AlanEpstein 的钱币相册
1862 1C MS67+
PCGS #2064
CAC, Stewart Blay always wanted this coin from the Castle Collection, everyones favorite
1867 1C MS66RD
PCGS #2090
1875 1C MS66RD
PCGS #2123
1877 1C MS66+ RD
PCGS #2129
CAC, Stewart Blay Collection, "The Golden Princess", most important coin of series, picture does not do it justice!!
1878 1C MS66+ RD
PCGS #2132
1883 1C MS67RD
PCGS #2147
1894 1C MS67RD
PCGS #2189
1895 1C MS67+ RD
PCGS #2192
Originally found by David Schweitz and was part of Stewart Blay's Collection
1898 1C MS67RD
PCGS #2201
1909-S 1C Indian MS67RD
PCGS #2240
Key date, missing for many years and best for the date. One of my favorite coins in the collection.
2004-D 5C Keel Boat MS68
PCGS #4157