BL 的钱币相册

1850-PTS FM 8 Sol AU58 PCGS #750603

Bolivia. Fred Weinberg Collection.

(1618-21)P T 8 R Calico Type-165 VF35 PCGS #820027

Bolivia. 8 Reales Cob.

1753-P q 8 R Calico-524 VF30 PCGS #845343

Bolivia. 8 Reales Cob.

1689 1/2 R Calico-178 XF40 PCGS #859961

Bolivia. 1/2 Real Cob.

1949 S$1 PL65 PCGS #32423


1951 S$1 PL65 PCGS #32425


1954 S$1 PL64 PCGS #32522


1957 S$1 PL66 PCGS #32526


1962 S$1 PL66 PCGS #32531


1826-NG M 8 R KM-4 AU55 PCGS #110088

Guatemala Central American Republic

1816-D MZ 8 R D8.6.1a Lg Bust Crown A VF20 PCGS #390146

Mexico. War of Independence.

1817-D MZ 8 R D8.7.2 Sm Bust VF30 PCGS #891760

Mexico. War of independence.

1821-D CG 8 R D8.11.4 Bust D Crown D XF45 PCGS #920803

Mexico. War of Independence.

1720-K 1/6 Ecu Gad-295 France-Navarre AU58 PCGS #253732

French Colonies. John Law Issue. 3.

1720-X 1/6 Ecu Gad-295 France-Navarre AU58 PCGS #262519

French Colonies. John Law Issue.

1740-BB 1/2 SM MS64 PCGS #158600

French Colonies.

1767-A Sou 1793 "RF" Counterstamp XF45BN PCGS #158637

French Colonies. RF Counterstamp.

1767-A Sou VF20BN PCGS #158651

French Colonies. No RF Counterstamp.

1710-AA 30 Den XF40 PCGS #158677

French Colonies

1762-A Sou M MS62 PCGS #158680

French Colonies

1711-D 30 Den XF40 PCGS #158686

French Colonial.

1743-W Sou M MS62 PCGS #171447

French Colonies

1750/48-A Sou M MS62 PCGS #397989

French Colonies. R8.

1720-)( Liard VF25BN PCGS #612522

French Colonies. Liard.

1756/5-A Sou M MS64+ PCGS #915866

France Colonial

1742-O Sou M XF45 PCGS #919589

French Colonies

1741/39-BB Sou M MS62 PCGS #919631

French Colonies.

1948 P5 Fr Lec-37 Piefort Essai SP64 PCGS #141122

French Somaliland - Djibouti

1930 Trade$ Prid-28 N1 PCGS #207453

Great Britain

1821-Ga FS 8 R Ga8.11.2 2/1 Fleurs VF35 PCGS #162065

Mexico. War of Independence.

1814-Ga MR 4 R Ga4.4.2 Sm Bust Crown A VF20 PCGS #718123

Mexico. War of Independence.

1814-Ga MR 4 R Ga4.4.3 MB w/Berries Crn A VF25 PCGS #718124

Mexico. War of Independence.

1822-Ga FS 8 R Ga8.12.2 VF20 PCGS #718134

Mexico. War of Independence.

1821-Ga FS 8 R Ga8.11.3 AU50 PCGS #838323

Mexico. War of Independence.

1821-Ga FS 8 R Ga8.11.3 AU53 PCGS #838323

Mexico. War of Independence.

1915 20C KM-606 MS62BN PCGS #419419

Mexico. Aguascalientes - Francisco “Pancho” Villa. Total PCGS pop 6. NGC 1.

1817-Mo JJ 8 R Calico-1332 Yon-M8-117 AU58 PCGS #140179

Mexico. War of Independence.

1835-Go PJ 8 R Go17 Star on Cap MS62 PCGS #140381

Mexico. Star on cap. Guanajuato mint.

1883-Do MC 8 R Do71 AU58 PCGS #404155

Mexico. Durango mint.

1846-GC MP 8 R GC03 Round Tail XF45 PCGS #408724

Mexico. Guadalupe y Calvo Mint.

1810-Mo HJ 8 R Calico-1314 Yon-M8-110a MS62 PCGS #513283

Mexico. Total pop on PCGS is 65.

1838-Go PJ 8 R Go20 N1 PCGS #519124

Mexico. Genuine Unc Details (92-Cleaned). 66+ sold for $11,100.

1892-Mo AM 8 R Mo78 N1 PCGS #519576

Mexico. Ink chop mark on obverse on Obverse and chop mark on reverse.

1852-Do JMR 8 R Do31 VF35 PCGS #709384

Mexico. War of Independence.

1822-D CG 8 R D8.12.3 Bust C Crown D XF40 PCGS #718110

Mexico. War of Independence.

1844-Ca RG 8 R Ca15 MS62 PCGS #719043

Mexico. Chihuahua mint.

(1598-1621)Mo 8 R Philip III VF25 PCGS #824120

Mexico. Philip III Cob 8 Reales

1859-Mo FH 8 R Mo45 MS64PL PCGS #876455

Mexico. Proof like. Total PCGS population for MSPL for all 8R in the first republic is 32.

1816/5-Mo JJ 8 R Yon-M8-116a XF45 PCGS #945480

Mexico. Pedigree: S. P. Rutherford Collection.

1814 8 R KM-234 AU50BN PCGS #932406

Mexico. War of Independence.

1895-PG V 20C AU55 PCGS #976911

Puerto Rico. Spanish colony. Madrid mint.

1895-PG V 20C AU55 PCGS #976911

Puerto Rico

1724 1/2P Hibernia AU55BN PCGS #190

British Colonies Wood’s Hibernia 1/2P.

1787 NJ 1/2P Small Plan, Plain Shield VF35BN PCGS #506

Colonial. Maris-64-t, W-5380. R-1. No sprig above plow.Trident shield.

1944-D 1C MS65+ RD PCGS #2725

1944 - D/S FS-021

1945-D 25C MS67 PCGS #5828

CAC pop 39/$624.

1873/2 G25C BG-792 MS65 PCGS #10619

California Fractional Gold. $1/4 Octagonal. Rarity 7. 9 to 11 pieces known. Large Indian Head type 1872 to 1876. MS65 pop 2 zero higher.

1876 G50C BG-1038 AU58 PCGS #10867

California fractional gold. Indian Head.

1818 25C Browning 9 VF20 PCGS #38950

CAC. Browning-9. High R5.