A Fistful of Carson City Dollars - 37 Years and Counting

描述: Straight out of the wild wild west - we have assembled some of the finest Carson City silver dollars still residing on their original First Generation holders from the first three years of operations at PCGS. These coins have so many treasures within treasures - we may not be able to list them all - They are among the finest and first CC dollars submitted and graded by PCGS now celebrating their 37th year of operations. Most of them are top pops still residing in Gen 1.2 "Rattler" Vintage Holders - many also sporting CAC approval stickers attesting to their quality - but how rare are they? First we compared all of the coins to the definitive population census report from PCGS October 1st, 1989 to see where they stood at the end of the First Generation "Rattler" era. all but one coin are still housed in their original Gen 1.2 Rattler holders. Then we reviewed 1000's of auction records to find First Generation CC dollars no longer residing in their rattler skins - we ran all of this data and more through our game changing Holder Analytics, giving us a true picture of the AMAZING rarity these coins now are in their Vintage holders.
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