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1799 $1 F15 PCGS #6878

Ex. MikesCoinChest

1850 $20 XF40 PCGS #8902

Ex. Heritage Auctions | CAC Approved. Truly exceptional $20 lib, first thing I said when I got it in hand was wow. Great surfaces and only a few minor marks. I’m not sure what kept it at only an XF40. Looks like a piece that was spared old cleaning or dipping. Auction #1348 Lot #5003 A delightful old-time collector coin, showing rich, original olive-gold patina, moderate but even wear, and remarkably smooth, problem-free surfaces. The 1850 saw the introduction of the double eagle as a denomination, answering the need for a large denomination gold coin to absorb the large quantities of gold being brought out of California at that time.

1868-S $20 XF45 PCGS #8954

Ex. Stephen Gill | OGH CAC Approved

1876 $20 MS60 PCGS #8976

Ex. Silicon Valley Coins | OGH Gold CAC Approved/ Gen 3.0 | Killer color, and killer surfaces. A mix between a 61 and a 62, great coin and everything else to make it a solid pick.

1876-CC $20 AU53 PCGS #8977

Ex. Stack’s Bowers, Legend Auctions | CAC Approved/ Gen 6.1 Stack’s Bowers August 19, 2021 Lot 6203 A wonderfully original example with handsome honey-gold color to lustrous, boldly defined AU surfaces. Perennially popular CC-Mint double eagle issue from the United States' Centennial year. Legend Auctions October 20, 2022 This is a totally original example. Carson City gold always holds a special allure and this lightly circulated example struck during the centennial year has a sensational look for the assigned grade. Warm orange gold patina graces minimally abraded surfaces.

1909 VDB 1C MS66BN PCGS #2423

"Pacific Blue" Ex. lllini420/M. Kittle, CopperColor, MonsterCoinz| A twin to another top MS66BN that resides in the Coyote Ugly Lincoln Cent Collection | Gold Rating

1927-D 1C MS64BN PCGS #2579

“Raspberry Punch” | Ex. GreatCollections | The color is what I would consider natural blues.

1927-D 1C MS64BN PCGS #2579

“Raspberry Punch” | Ex. GreatCollections | The color is what I would consider natural blues.

1927-D 1C MS64BN PCGS #2579

“Raspberry Punch” | Ex. GreatCollections | The color is what I would consider natural blues.

1928 1C MS65RB PCGS #2586

"Pocket Rainbow" Ex. L&C Coins, WingedLiberty | Easily the center piece of the set. Beautiful and clean rainbow toning. The first “monster toned” Lincoln introduced to the set. Possible upgrade to MS66BN. Lovely Coin and truly original.

1935-S 1C MS66BN PCGS #2645

“Emerald Prism” Ex. J. Wendt Vivid_Coins | Truly stellar piece of copper. Comparable to another stunning piece that’s locked in a very high quality set. | Green CAC Sticker

1939-S 1C MS65RB PCGS #2682

Ex. dbemike

1939-S 1C MS65RB PCGS #2682

Ex. dbemike

1939-S 1C MS65RB PCGS #2682

Ex. dbemike

1941 1C MS66+ BN PCGS #2693

"Aurora Borealis" Ex. ILikeTonedCoins, WingedLiberty | Ex. NGC MS66BN, crossover as a MS66BN and upgraded to a MS66+BN. Monster Coin, monster price paid | Green CAC Sticker

1942 1C MS66+ BN PCGS #2702

"Perfecta" Ex. Abe’s Coloring Book | A pure glowing Emerald Piece, 1 of 5 pieces that originated from the same place. Possibly the nicest out of the 5 pieces.

1948-S 10C MS67FB PCGS #85090


1954-S 1C MS67RB PCGS #2820

“Liquid Rainbow” Ex. CopperColor, David3142 | One of many from an original roll that was purchased by David and sent in by multiple submissions. Upgraded from MS66RB to MS67RB

1962 1C PR67BN PCGS #3396

Ex. J. Wendt Vivid_Coins |’Act of Kindness’|Gifted Raw

1963 1C PR65BN PCGS #3399

Ex. Brandon Marlowe on Instagram |’Silver Abe’|Purchased RAW|Purchase date July 5,2017

1963 1C PR66BN PCGS #3399

Ex. Brandon Marlowe on Instagram |’Silver Lincoln’|Purchased RAW|Purchase date August 27,2018

1965 10C MS64 PCGS #5130

Ex. ChromaticCoins

1998 1C MS66RB PCGS #3147

Ex. R. Beatley