PCGS Holder Types

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Sorry link was cut off
My 1973-D is of that type.

日期: 6/30/2021 2:30 上午 张贴人: RJP

Nice set!
There is 1 more for you to find, other Rattler 1.0 and 1.1 There is a sub type to the Gen 4.0, the label does not have the coin or series number. This is not listed in the museum of holders. https://www.pcgs.com/setreg my 1973-D Ike is one

日期: 6/30/2021 2:29 上午 张贴人: RJP

Very nice one.

Tried something on the similar lines and guess I messed up.

日期: 2/13/2021 1:21 上午 张贴人: vulcanize

This is an interesting collection idea!

日期: 5/21/2020 6:53 下午 张贴人: Aspie-Rocco
