KozMc Mercs 的钱币相册
Secure plus the first time, no upgrade, no plus. Secure plus on second try upgrades from AU58 to AU58FB.FB designation taken away a few weeks later because PCGS will not designate AU Mercs with full bands except the 16-D and the two overdates. This is a FB coin but not designated as such on the label. Reconsideration plus
Secure plus the first time, no upgrade, no plus. Secure plus on second try upgrades from AU58 to AU58FB.FB designation taken away a few weeks later because PCGS will not designate AU Mercs with full bands except the 16-D and the two overdates. This is a FB coin but not designated as such on the label. Reconsideration plus
full bands, reconsideration plus twice, secure service, gold shield service, second time grades AU58+
raw, from a nice collection, reconsideration plus, gold shield service, grades AU58+
raw from a nice collection, reconsideration plus, gold shield service, grades AU58+