Ballas Rainbows/Varieties Everman 的钱币相册

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1979 1C MS64RB PCGS #2994

2021. Love those RB cents as sometimes the color blend is fabulous and in the right places on the coin.

1979 1C MS64RB PCGS #2994

2021. Love those RB cents as sometimes the color blend is fabulous and in the right places on the coin.

1979 1C MS64RB PCGS #2994

2021. Love those RB cents as sometimes the color blend is fabulous and in the right places on the coin.

1905 5C MS64 PCGS #3866

2024. Soft toning both sides. Love the clean look on face and fields.

1905 5C MS64 PCGS #3866

2024. Soft toning both sides. Love the clean look on face and fields.

1905 5C MS64 PCGS #3866

2024. Soft toning both sides. Love the clean look on face and fields.

1913 5C Type 1 MS64 PCGS #3915

Aspie Rocco trade of 1913 T1s. I have to have the color!

1913 5C Type 1 MS64 PCGS #3915

Aspie Rocco trade of 1913 T1s. I have to have the color!

1996-D 5C MS64FS PCGS #84138

Wild man blue. Classic Target tone obverse. Fab dark blue rim. Reverse is the wild child !

1996-D 5C MS64FS PCGS #84138

Wild man blue. Classic Target tone obverse. Fab dark blue rim. Reverse is the wild child !

1996-D 5C MS64FS PCGS #84138

Wild man blue. Classic Target tone obverse. Fab dark blue rim. Reverse is the wild child !

1944-D 5C MS64 PCGS #4023

Homemade RPM found… gotta love the hunt for variety…

1969-D/D 25C RPM FS-501 MS64 PCGS #409936

2023… fun to add a D/D instead of a very inexpensive coin.

1949 50C MS64FBL PCGS #86653

2025. Beautiful pastel blue target toned! Cool

1949 50C MS64FBL PCGS #86653

2025. Beautiful pastel blue target toned! Cool

1979 50C MS64 PCGS #6735

2024 beautiful target toned front!

1979 50C MS64 PCGS #6735

2024 beautiful target toned front!

1979 50C MS64 PCGS #6735

2024 beautiful target toned front!

1976 50C Clad MS64 PCGS #6726

2024. Beautiful target rainbow 🌈 tones on both sides!

1976 50C Clad MS64 PCGS #6726

2024. Beautiful target rainbow 🌈 tones on both sides!

1976 50C Clad MS64 PCGS #6726

2024. Beautiful target rainbow 🌈 tones on both sides!

1922 $1 MS64 PCGS #7357

2025. Pretty in Pink.

1922 $1 MS64 PCGS #7357

2025. Pretty in Pink.

1974 $1 MS64 PCGS #7415

Marque coin! Yay.

1974 $1 MS64 PCGS #7415

Marque coin! Yay.

1974 $1 MS64 PCGS #7415

Marque coin! Yay.

1979-P SBA$1 MS64 PCGS #9571

2023. Beautiful rainbow 🌈 target toned w an super reverse side! 5 eye appeal rainbows 1979P exist at a higher grade than this MS64, but love to have completed the 3 1979’s SBA as all are full rainbows in this mint set.

1979-P SBA$1 MS64 PCGS #9571

2023. Beautiful rainbow 🌈 target toned w an super reverse side! 5 eye appeal rainbows 1979P exist at a higher grade than this MS64, but love to have completed the 3 1979’s SBA as all are full rainbows in this mint set.

1979-P SBA$1 MS64 PCGS #9571

2023. Beautiful rainbow 🌈 target toned w an super reverse side! 5 eye appeal rainbows 1979P exist at a higher grade than this MS64, but love to have completed the 3 1979’s SBA as all are full rainbows in this mint set.