Renaissance 的钱币相册
CAC. Sharp strike with terrific luster and great color. Northern Nevada Coin.
Well-struck, unblemished original coin with a haze of dental wax or putty. A great find for this lowest-mintage 20th-century date.
Well-struck, unblemished original coin with a haze of dental wax or putty. A great find for this lowest-mintage 20th-century date.
Well-struck, unblemished original coin with a haze of dental wax or putty. A great find for this lowest-mintage 20th-century date.
CAC. Wonderfully original with great eye appeal despite all the fine chatter commensurate with the grade.
CAC. Wonderfully original with great eye appeal despite all the fine chatter commensurate with the grade.
CAC. Wonderfully original with great eye appeal despite all the fine chatter commensurate with the grade.
CAC. The Fairmont Collection. Lovely unmolested original with sharp strike and great colors.