The Thomas Irwin Collection

HOF 2009 2010 2011 2013 2012

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退休统计 2020/10/7

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日期: 12/4/2011 9:13 下午 张贴人: rdrr314

See more images at (hope you don't mind me posting!)

日期: 12/4/2011 9:07 下午 张贴人: rdrr314

AMAZING Set Gerry!! Congratulations on assembling what will probably stand as the greatest set ever! From the current population of PCGS coins, and assuming Stewart still has at least seven (as he used to) of the pop 1/0's you are missing, it appear to be mathematically impossible for anyone to better this set--with sole the exception of Stewart. Bill C.

日期: 11/16/2009 6:17 下午 张贴人: bulincs

As a collector for over 50 years, i would like to add my 2 cents worth and say this is a stunning feat to accomplish and would love to see photos of this set.

日期: 10/15/2009 1:07 下午 张贴人: neocacher

Amazing. Only 16 coins left to upgrade! Hope you put pics one day.

日期: 8/17/2009 8:27 上午 张贴人: ttsd

Stunning, and I mean it in the most admirable way. Fantastic example of preservation.

日期: 7/16/2009 3:10 下午 张贴人: mas4492

I am absolutely stunned by this set. I didn't think this set could possibly exist. Thanks for sharing and I hope to,someday,view your Memorial collection. Michael T. Claus - AKA RegistryNut

日期: 7/9/2009 3:53 下午 张贴人: claus20

Simply aghast at all the top pops!

日期: 6/23/2009 8:12 上午 张贴人: renomedphys

Amazing set brother. I can't imagine building a set like that. What an accomplishment!

日期: 6/23/2009 7:57 上午 张贴人: SlatteryCollection

Gerry, simply phenomenal. I honestly did not think it would be possible to put together another set to top Stewart. It's really quite amazing. congratulations. Jack

日期: 6/23/2009 7:10 上午 张贴人: jack-the-knife

I think the drool has shorted out a few key boards or you would have had even more comments. Thanks for sharing. BTW, Did you manage to make any of these coins or did you just sit and wait till they were availible?

日期: 6/23/2009 5:45 上午 张贴人: WaterSport

Gerry, A stunning accomplishment!!! Thanks for sharing and look forward to seeing images one day.

日期: 6/23/2009 3:44 上午 张贴人: bolivarshagnasty


日期: 6/22/2009 10:27 下午 张贴人: Chrisrx

Drooooolllllll......Thanks Tom for posting your set, it's really great to see publically

日期: 6/22/2009 9:07 下午 张贴人: USCoinrunner

Gerry, This is simply AMAZING! Thank you so much for posting and I do hope you will eventually get pictures up too. I also hope you will maintain this incredible collection for awhile so that the coin collectors can acknowledge what you have accomplished. I am proud to be the first of what I forsee as many who will comment. Steve Cohen (Just an average Lincoln cent collector who recognizes the great accomplishment)

日期: 6/22/2009 7:41 下午 张贴人: SJC-Collection
