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1999 10 Hry Birth of Jesus PR70DCAM PCGS #850165

1999 PR70DCAM Ukraine 10 Hry Birth of Jesus

1999 10 Hry Birth of Jesus PR70DCAM PCGS #850165

1999 PR70DCAM Ukraine 10 Hry Birth of Jesus

1999 10 Hry Birth of Jesus PR70DCAM PCGS #850165

1999 PR70DCAM Ukraine 10 Hry Birth of Jesus

2003-S 25C Alabama PR70DCAM PCGS #913039

100 Greatest Women on Coins

2003-S 25C Alabama PR70DCAM PCGS #913039

100 Greatest Women on Coins

2003-S 25C Alabama PR70DCAM PCGS #913039

100 Greatest Women on Coins

2022 1000 T Mother Teresa Au PR70DCAM PCGS #908018

2022 Mongolia Mother Theresa

1979-S SBA$1 Type 1 PR70DCAM PCGS #99589

1979-S SBA $1 100 Greatest Women on Coins

1979-S SBA$1 Type 1 PR70DCAM PCGS #99589

1979-S SBA $1 100 Greatest Women on Coins

1979-S SBA$1 Type 1 PR70DCAM PCGS #99589

1979-S SBA $1 100 Greatest Women on Coins

2017 $5 Princess Diana First Day of Issue PR70DCAM PCGS #629969

Princess Diana 100 Greatest Women on Coins

2017 $5 Princess Diana First Day of Issue PR70DCAM PCGS #629969

Princess Diana 100 Greatest Women on Coins

2017 $5 Princess Diana First Day of Issue PR70DCAM PCGS #629969

Princess Diana 100 Greatest Women on Coins

2021 $2 Birth of Old Glory Life of George Washington MS70 PCGS #923281

Cook Islands 2021 Birth of Old Glory Betsy Ross

2019-P $2 Queen Victoria Cameo Ag 200th Ann. Antique First Strike MS70 PCGS #789301

Queen Victoria 200th Anniversary First Strike

2019-P $2 Queen Victoria Cameo Ag 200th Ann. Antique First Strike MS70 PCGS #789301

Queen Victoria 200th Anniversary First Strike

2019-P $2 Queen Victoria Cameo Ag 200th Ann. Antique First Strike MS70 PCGS #789301

Queen Victoria 200th Anniversary First Strike

2019-P $2 Queen Victoria Cameo Ag 200th Ann. Antique First Strike MS70 PCGS #789301

Queen Victoria 200th Anniversary First Strike

2019-P $2 Queen Victoria Cameo Ag 200th Ann. Antique First Strike MS70 PCGS #789301

Queen Victoria 200th Anniversary First Strike

2014-W $10 Eleanor Roosevelt First Strike MS70 PCGS #531591

"100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2014-W $10 Eleanor Roosevelt First Strike MS70 PCGS #531591

"100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2014-W $10 Eleanor Roosevelt First Strike MS70 PCGS #531591

"100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2006 £5 Florence Nightingale PR69DCAM PCGS #621967

2006 Florence Nightingale

2010-W $10 Mary Todd Lincoln First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #418398

"100 Greatest Women on Coins" Mary Lincoln First Spouse Gold PR70DCAM

2010-W $10 Mary Todd Lincoln First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #418398

"100 Greatest Women on Coins" Mary Lincoln First Spouse Gold PR70DCAM

2010-W $10 Mary Todd Lincoln First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #418398

"100 Greatest Women on Coins" Mary Lincoln First Spouse Gold PR70DCAM

2007-W $10 Abigail Adams First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #150893

PCGS PR70DCAM Abigail Adams First Strike

2007-W $10 Abigail Adams First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #150893

PCGS PR70DCAM Abigail Adams First Strike

2007-W $10 Abigail Adams First Strike PR70DCAM PCGS #150893

PCGS PR70DCAM Abigail Adams First Strike

1982 10 Fr Gad-MC158 MS69 PCGS #251515

1982 Monaco 10 francs Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly MS69

1982 10 Fr Gad-MC158 MS69 PCGS #251515

1982 Monaco 10 francs Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly MS69

1982 10 Fr Gad-MC158 MS69 PCGS #251515

1982 Monaco 10 francs Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly MS69

1982 10 Fr Gad-MC158 MS69 PCGS #251515

1982 Monaco 10 francs Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly MS69

1988-W $5 Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9631

Nike "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

1988-W $5 Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9631

Nike "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

1988-W $5 Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9631

Nike "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2019 $1 Nefertiti - Ancient Egypt Partial Gilt PL70 PCGS #881919

Solomon Islands 2019 $1 Nefertiti PL70

2019 $1 Nefertiti - Ancient Egypt Partial Gilt PL70 PCGS #881919

Solomon Islands 2019 $1 Nefertiti PL70

2019 $1 Nefertiti - Ancient Egypt Partial Gilt PL70 PCGS #881919

Solomon Islands 2019 $1 Nefertiti PL70

2004 £5 S-L13 Entente Cordiale Ag PR69DCAM PCGS #396648

2004 S-L13 Entente Cordiale Ag

1992-S 50C Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9921


1992-S 50C Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9921


1992-S 50C Olympic PR70DCAM PCGS #9921


2019 $5 Athena and Minerva Antique Finish MS70 PCGS #711174

Athena and MInerva Antique Finish

2001-PM Crown Bronte Sisters The Victorian Age MS67 PCGS #850153

2001 Bronte Sisters issued as a coin cover for the first day of issue UK stamps

2019 € 10 Marie Curie PR69 PCGS #891091

2019 France Marie Curie 10 Euro Silver Proof

1937 50C Roanoke MS66 PCGS #9367

Virginia Dare 100 Greatest Women on Coins

1937 50C Roanoke MS66 PCGS #9367

Virginia Dare 100 Greatest Women on Coins

1937 50C Roanoke MS66 PCGS #9367

Virginia Dare 100 Greatest Women on Coins

1999 500 Fr Brussels - Albert & Isabella PR68DCAM PCGS #856851

Belgium 500 Fr 1999 Brussels Albert & Isabella

2020 € 5 Leda and the Swan PR70DCAM PCGS #870345

2020 Cyprus Leda and the Swan PR70DCAM

1996-D $1 Smithsonian MS70 PCGS #9742

PCGS M#70 1996-D $1 Smithsonian "Education"

1996-D $1 Smithsonian MS70 PCGS #9742

PCGS M#70 1996-D $1 Smithsonian "Education"

1996-D $1 Smithsonian MS70 PCGS #9742

PCGS M#70 1996-D $1 Smithsonian "Education"

2015-MW $1 Adam and Eve Biblical Stories PR70DCAM PCGS #919730

2015-MW Adam and Eve Niue PR70DCAM

1997 1000 S Marie Antoinette PR70DCAM PCGS #460916

Queen Marie Antoinette PCGS PR70DCAM

1997 1000 S Marie Antoinette PR70DCAM PCGS #460916

Queen Marie Antoinette PCGS PR70DCAM

1997 1000 S Marie Antoinette PR70DCAM PCGS #460916

Queen Marie Antoinette PCGS PR70DCAM

1997 1000 S Marie Antoinette PR70DCAM PCGS #460916

Queen Marie Antoinette PCGS PR70DCAM

AH1415-1994 £5 Queen Hatshepsut Mask PR69DCAM PCGS #779138

1994 PR69DCAM Queen Hatshepsut 5 Pounds Egypt

2013 10 Lei Constantine & Helen PR70DCAM PCGS #888256

MS70 Saint Helena Romania 10 Lei

2013 10 Lei Constantine & Helen PR70DCAM PCGS #888256

MS70 Saint Helena Romania 10 Lei

2013 10 Lei Constantine & Helen PR70DCAM PCGS #888256

MS70 Saint Helena Romania 10 Lei

2013 10 Lei Constantine & Helen PR70DCAM PCGS #888256

MS70 Saint Helena Romania 10 Lei

2013 10 Lei Constantine & Helen PR70DCAM PCGS #888256

MS70 Saint Helena Romania 10 Lei

1994-W $1 Women Military MS70 PCGS #9694

1994-W Women in the Military MS70

1994-W $1 Women Military MS70 PCGS #9694

1994-W Women in the Military MS70

1994-W $1 Women Military MS70 PCGS #9694

1994-W Women in the Military MS70

2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike MS70 PCGS #506972

PCGS 2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike Spouse Gold MS70 "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike MS70 PCGS #506972

PCGS 2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike Spouse Gold MS70 "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike MS70 PCGS #506972

PCGS 2011-W $10 Julia Grant First Strike Spouse Gold MS70 "100 Greatest Women on Coins"

2016 $2 Demeter Antique Finish High Relief SP70 PCGS #639918

NGC crossover MS70 to PCGS MS70 "100 greatest Women on Coins" DEMETER

2020 £5 Boudica - Warrior Queen Antique Finish MS70 PCGS #837442

2020 £5 Isle of Man Boudica 3 oz Antique Silver Coin

2008 10 Din Renoir Colorized PR69DCAM PCGS #536885

Two Young Girls at the Piano, by Auguste Renoir

2013 5 G Abolition of Slavery PR70DCAM PCGS #872961

2013 Netherland - Antilles, Abolition of Slavery

2024 $20 L.M. Montgomery 150th Ann. Colorized PR70DCAM PCGS #968161

Canada 2024 L.M. Montgomery 150th Ann. Colorized Anne of Green Gables PR70DCAM

1973 25 G 25th Anniv. of Reign MS68 PCGS #394641

100 Greatest Women on Coins

2003 € 1 1/2 Paul Gauguin PR69DCAM PCGS #376311

2003 1½ Euro Gaugain & v Gogh

1996 € 50 Golda Mier X#19 Fantasy PR69DCAM PCGS #256563

Israel 1996 50 Euro NGC Proof 69UC Silver Golda Meir Medallic Issue NG1491

1976 5 Lira FAO KM-909 MS67 PCGS #418096

MS67 Turkey 5 Lira

2012-W $10 Alice Paul First Strike MS70 PCGS #512920

PCGS 2012-W Alice Paul First Strike MS70

2012-W $10 Alice Paul First Strike MS70 PCGS #512920

PCGS 2012-W Alice Paul First Strike MS70

2012-W $10 Alice Paul First Strike MS70 PCGS #512920

PCGS 2012-W Alice Paul First Strike MS70

2023 $5 Audrey Hepburn Black Proof PR69DCAM PCGS #922184

Samoa 2023 $5 Audrey Hepburn

2007-A € 10 Thuringen PR69DCAM PCGS #393139

2007 Germany 10 Euro 800. Geburtstag der hl. Elisabeth von Thüringen Proof

2002 $1 Clara Schumann 100 Deutche Mark Banknote MS63 PCGS #881921

LIberia $10 Clara Schumann 100 Deutche Mark Banknote

"1984" (1985) 100 Rup Indira Gandhi PL68 PCGS #843210

100 Rupees PL68 Indira Gandhi 1985 India

"1984" (1985) 100 Rup Indira Gandhi PL68 PCGS #843210

100 Rupees PL68 Indira Gandhi 1985 India

"1984" (1985) 100 Rup Indira Gandhi PL68 PCGS #843210

100 Rupees PL68 Indira Gandhi 1985 India

"1984" (1985) 100 Rup Indira Gandhi PL68 PCGS #843210

100 Rupees PL68 Indira Gandhi 1985 India

2020-R € 10 Michelangelo's Pietà PR69DCAM PCGS #881920

2020 Vatican City State 10 Euro The Piety of Michelangelo Buonarroti (Florentine Pietà) PROOF

2013-PM £2 Margaret Thatcher MS68 PCGS #881307

Ascension Island 2013 1 Crown Margaret Thatcher

2003-PM $10 Olympics PR69DCAM PCGS #127383

2003 Sierra Leone 10 $ 2003 Olympics 2004 in Athens Proof "Athena and Nike"

2008 € 20 Kaiserin Elisabeth Westbahn PR70DCAM PCGS #838729

Austria 2008 Railway Commemorative

1956 25 Fr MS65 PCGS #506826

1956 25 Fr

1956 25 Fr MS65 PCGS #506826

1956 25 Fr

1956 25 Fr MS65 PCGS #506826

1956 25 Fr

1956 25 Fr MS65 PCGS #506826

1956 25 Fr

1956 25 Fr MS65 PCGS #506826

1956 25 Fr

2015 200 M 35th Ann. of the Metical PR70DCAM PCGS #836908


2019 $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue MS70 PCGS #810790

2019 Palau $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue

2019 $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue MS70 PCGS #810790

2019 Palau $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue

2019 $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue MS70 PCGS #810790

2019 Palau $5 Guardian Angel Antique Finish First Day of Issue

"1725" (2009) Rouble X#29b Catherine I Fantasy Cu PR68RD PCGS #860873

Russia X29b Catherine I Rouble "1725"

"1725" (2009) Rouble X#29b Catherine I Fantasy Cu PR68RD PCGS #860873

Russia X29b Catherine I Rouble "1725"

"1725" (2009) Rouble X#29b Catherine I Fantasy Cu PR68RD PCGS #860873

Russia X29b Catherine I Rouble "1725"

"1725" (2009) Rouble X#29b Catherine I Fantasy Cu PR68RD PCGS #860873

Russia X29b Catherine I Rouble "1725"

2011 $5 M. Monroe 85th Birthday Colorized PR69DCAM PCGS #509582

2011 Cook Islands Marilyn Monroe

2022 2 Hry Solomiya Krushelnytska MS69 PCGS #918853

Ukraine 2022 2 Hry Solomiya Krushelnytska

2007 10 Rbl Alena Aladana PR69DCAM PCGS #545307

2007 Belarus 10 Rbl Alena Aladana

1995-P $1 Special Olympics PR70DCAM PCGS #9705

1995-P Special Olympics Eunice Kennedy Shriver

1995-P $1 Special Olympics PR70DCAM PCGS #9705

1995-P Special Olympics Eunice Kennedy Shriver

1995-P $1 Special Olympics PR70DCAM PCGS #9705

1995-P Special Olympics Eunice Kennedy Shriver

2014-W $10 Lou Hoover First Strike MS70 PCGS #531589

2014-W PCGS Lou Hoover First Strike

2014-W $10 Lou Hoover First Strike MS70 PCGS #531589

2014-W PCGS Lou Hoover First Strike

2014-W $10 Lou Hoover First Strike MS70 PCGS #531589

2014-W PCGS Lou Hoover First Strike