1911 $10 MS62+ 认证号36320639, PCGS号8868


On the 1st of September 2024 and using my ELIKLIV microscope and Vantage 10X loupe, I examined this coin and describe it thusly. The Obverse shows a horizontal mark and a diagonal mark to the left of the mouth, a vertical mark up to the left of the "1" of the date and up from the rim edge, a long vertical skipping mark between the rim edge and the nose, a 2 ding vertical mark just to the left of the forehead, a long vertical scratch between 1st 3 stars and the lower headdress, 2 horizontal dings in the upper end of the feather above the "E" of "LIBERTY", light vertical marks on the eyebrow, a horizontal mark on the bottom of the nose, a horizontal mark on the lower side of the feather up from the "T" of "LIBERTY", much scarring on the cheek with a vertical nick on the lower chin and a diagonal mark on the jaw line at the mid point, a diagonal scratch on the upper rear of the neck just at the turn of the hair, scarring and vertical marks on the neck. I see no toning, spotting, or cloudiness. The Reverse has a strong vertical 2 dig mark to the right and just down from the 2nd "T" of "TRUST" and scarring from there to the eagles leg and then moving down to the olive branch leaves, light scarring at and below the eagles beak, light scarring from behind the eagles head and below "OF AMERICA" and above "E PLURIBUS", a ding just at the foot of and 2 sets of dings down from the 2nd "A" of "AMERICA", a diagonal mark between the 2nd "A" of "AMERICA" and the wing feathers, 2 light parallel horizontal marks between the rim edge and the low end of the wing feathers, a ding above the 2nd "L" and "O" of "DOLLAR". I see just a few small single black spots at the rim edge to the left of the olive branch leaves and then 2 more up across from "GOD WE TRUST" and then up above "UNIT" of "UNITED" The letters of "IN GOD WE TRUST" also have black on them. The Obverse of this coin appears to have more marking and scarring then the Reverse. The Obverse looks more grainy and the Reverse is the better looking side. This coin is held in a PCGS Generation 6 holder used from May 2014 to October 2020.


David Akers (1975/88)

The 1911 is a common issue, one of the easiest to obtain in the series. In fact, only the very common 1926 and 1932 are more often seen than this issue. Below gem quality, i.e. MS-64 or less, the 1911 can be located quite easily. True gems are only moderately rare and can be found with little effort. There are some spectacular, nearly perfect examples of this issue in existence.

The 1911 is always well struck and most specimens have finely granular, frosty surfaces. A few specimens, however, have very little granularity and have a satin texture. Lustre varies greatly on this issue from average (for the series) to outstanding. As is always the case, the satiny ones are more radiant than the frosty ones although many of the latter are also extremely lustrous. Color is a strong point of this issue. Light to medium orange and greenish gold is the predominant color but a number of greenish yellow examples are also known.
Augustus Saint Gaudens
Raised Stars
26.80 毫米
16.70 克
90% Gold, 10% Copper
The United States of America
PCGS 数量报告
拍卖 - PCGS 评级的
拍卖 - NGC 评级的

稀有性和存量估计 了解更多

所有评级 37500 R-2.6 24 / 27 28 / 32 TIE
60或以上 25000 R-2.7 24 / 27 29 / 32
65或以上 475 R-6.0 24 / 27 28 / 32
所有评级 37500
60或以上 25000
65或以上 475
所有评级 R-2.6
60或以上 R-2.7
65或以上 R-6.0
所有评级 24 / 27
60或以上 24 / 27
65或以上 24 / 27
所有评级 28 / 32 TIE
60或以上 29 / 32
65或以上 28 / 32

状况普查 了解更多

位置 评级 缩略图 家谱和历史
1 MS67+ PCGS grade MS67+ PCGS grade

Dr. Thaine B. Price Collection - David Akers 5/1998:54, $20,900 - Heritage 11/2016:5542, $61,688 - D.L. Hansen Collection - D.L. Hansen Collection

1 MS67+ PCGS grade MS67+ PCGS grade

Frederick F. Mackentepe  & Roberta Mckenzie Mackentepe Collection - Stack's/Bowers 3/2017:3125, $28,200

1 MS67+ PCGS grade MS67+ PCGS grade
4 MS67 PCGS grade  
	MS67 PCGS grade

Phillip Morse Collection - Heritage 11/2005:6510, $46,000 - Kutasi Collection - Heritage 1/2007:3173, $43,125 - Jumping Horse Collection, Part II - Heritage 10/2015:3576, $61,687.50

4 MS67 PCGS grade MS67 PCGS grade

David Akers - Dr. Steven Duckor - Heritage 4/2006:3889, $48,875

MS67+ PCGS grade #1 MS67+ PCGS grade

Dr. Thaine B. Price Collection - David Akers 5/1998:54, $20,900 - Heritage 11/2016:5542, $61,688 - D.L. Hansen Collection - D.L. Hansen Collection

MS67+ PCGS grade #1 MS67+ PCGS grade

Frederick F. Mackentepe  & Roberta Mckenzie Mackentepe Collection - Stack's/Bowers 3/2017:3125, $28,200

MS67+ PCGS grade #1 MS67+ PCGS grade
	MS67 PCGS grade 
#4 MS67 PCGS grade

Phillip Morse Collection - Heritage 11/2005:6510, $46,000 - Kutasi Collection - Heritage 1/2007:3173, $43,125 - Jumping Horse Collection, Part II - Heritage 10/2015:3576, $61,687.50

MS67 PCGS grade #4 MS67 PCGS grade

David Akers - Dr. Steven Duckor - Heritage 4/2006:3889, $48,875