Half Dollar Type Set, Proof (1817-present) 全部当前最优列表

While not our nation's largest silver coin, the half dollar served as the mainstay of the banking system during the early years of the country. One of the reasons for the high survival rate of Capped Bust Halves from the 1807-1838 period is due to the fact that most were held in banks and used for large transfers of funds. (Remember silver dollars were not coined during this period.) However, none of this applied to the Proofs. Proof coins were not sold to the general public prior to the late 1850s, so dates prior to that are all quite rare. Consequently, the three Capped Bust Halves, and the No Drapery Seated Half all fall into the "good luck" category. Likewise, a Proof example of the "Arrows" types of 1853-55 will also take both patience and a big wallet. Fortunately, the remaining eight coins are not too difficult, and make a very attractive partial set for this important denomination.

Notes: This set has bonuses. Please see the Set Composition for a listing.
