Silver Type Set, Circulation Strikes (1792-1964)


Collecting coins by type, as opposed to collecting every coin in an entire series, became popular in the 1960s. The object of a type collector is to acquire one example of every type of coin, and, of course, that example should be is as high a grade as possible. Technically, every coin is a type coin, but, unless the collector has an unlimited pocketbook, most collectors focus on common date examples of the various type coins in superb condition. The focus of type collecting is definitely on condition. This set is of the silver issues only. The major rarity in the 18th century coinage is the 1796-1797 Draped Bust, small eagle half dollar. For the 19th century issues, the rarities include the Liberty Seated, no drapery quarters and half dollar, and the 1853 arrows and rays quarters and half dollars.

Notes: This set has deductions. Please see the Set Composition for a listing.

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