JW Blount Dansco with Gold 的钱币相册
Crazy Animal Collection. Eminently attractive with ample, vintage brick-red and lilac-brown toning, both sides also exhibit about as much mint luster as can fit onto an MS-64 RB large-cent. A noticeable carbon spot at the temple and a handful of accompanying smaller pepper flecks align with the grade level. Minor strike weakness at the upper end of the coronet and along the very top of Liberty's portrait are about the only other complaints since the surface has largely escaped handling marks.
Crazy Animal Collection. Eminently attractive with ample, vintage brick-red and lilac-brown toning, both sides also exhibit about as much mint luster as can fit onto an MS-64 RB large-cent. A noticeable carbon spot at the temple and a handful of accompanying smaller pepper flecks align with the grade level. Minor strike weakness at the upper end of the coronet and along the very top of Liberty's portrait are about the only other complaints since the surface has largely escaped handling marks.
Crazy Animal Collection. Eminently attractive with ample, vintage brick-red and lilac-brown toning, both sides also exhibit about as much mint luster as can fit onto an MS-64 RB large-cent. A noticeable carbon spot at the temple and a handful of accompanying smaller pepper flecks align with the grade level. Minor strike weakness at the upper end of the coronet and along the very top of Liberty's portrait are about the only other complaints since the surface has largely escaped handling marks.
Crazy Animal Collection. Eminently attractive with ample, vintage brick-red and lilac-brown toning, both sides also exhibit about as much mint luster as can fit onto an MS-64 RB large-cent. A noticeable carbon spot at the temple and a handful of accompanying smaller pepper flecks align with the grade level. Minor strike weakness at the upper end of the coronet and along the very top of Liberty's portrait are about the only other complaints since the surface has largely escaped handling marks.
Weston Levi Bennett Meadows December 15, 1979 Vera Martha Garcia November 23, 1979
Weston Levi Bennett Meadows December 15, 1979 Vera Martha Garcia November 23, 1979
Weston Levi Bennett Meadows December 15, 1979 Vera Martha Garcia November 23, 1979
Weston Levi Bennett Meadows December 15, 1979 Vera Martha Garcia November 23, 1979