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关于此套币: This set is the culmination, AND continuation of work done over decades of collecting/Searching. These coins amongst numismatic friends, and colleagues were our “Finest Known” sets. Our worn Dansco Type albums housed examples of the minters art which had seen better days with decades and decades of use in commerce; some likely circulating a hundred years or more? What were the times and places in the history of our great nation we could only dream about, or reflect in the readings written in history? This small group of friends, and coworkers strived to obtain yet another example of some early piece were prime examples of the “Thrill of the Hunt” which every coin collector has experienced in his or her lifetime! If any of us obtained a new addition for our collections, we would not only have the immediate thrill of the find, but bragging rights for the moment. This endeavor of locating the absolute worst example of a given numismatic treasure was well prior to the advent of PCGS’s Low Ball Registry sets. Our only criteria to be included in the set was that coins could not have damage, and didn’t even have to have a date or identifiable mintmark; just be recognizable as to what coin it was when minted. Now that I’m exhibiting on the PCGS Registry, I’ve had to “Upgrade” some of my set so as to meet PCGS’s criteria which has been a challenge. If you are reading this, and believe you have a piece of the puzzle which I’m lacking, please offer, as I’m ALWAYS looking for upgrades!! Many thanks to all. This set is one tough set to complete, and not saying that due the cost of some of the coins, but the actual scarcity of some of these type coins in Poor and Fair that have survived in undamaged condition... Some, for over two hundred years! One has to wonder just how scarce or really rare they might be in comparison to some of their Mint state counterparts!? My sincere gratitude to the dozens of collectors, professional numismatists, and fellow Low-Ball enthusiasts who over the period of decades helped in the making of this set.... Without your help, this set would never have been possible; thank-you!!


Wow! What an accomplishment! I definitely think the 1870 $1 is a CC!

日期: 11/23/2024 7:39 下午 张贴人: YN_Evan2010

Wow! A race to the bottom and this guy clearly won. I know this was a passionate pursuit. Congrats!

日期: 8/29/2021 2:02 下午 张贴人:

What an amazing looks like decades of hard work and focus. Congratulations.

日期: 6/30/2021 3:13 下午 张贴人: Ian_Russell

That latest addition (Bust Half Disme 1792 FR02) discovered this year (2021) has really added some major punch to this set. Congratulations on achieving this major undertaking and best wishes and continued success in your ultimate quest. Sourdough

日期: 6/25/2021 10:09 下午 张贴人: Sourdough

Your perseverance is amazing. Job well done and keep searching for these special pieces of history.

日期: 6/24/2021 6:01 下午 张贴人: chickmick

Always enjoy looking at how much travel early American coins had to endure to get to Poor-1 exceptional set. Thanks for sharing

日期: 6/24/2021 11:53 上午 张贴人: ZachTate95

This set in many ways rivals some of the greatest collections ever assembled. Undoubtedly thousands of hours of searching and submitting and researching went into this. What an amazing feat! Truly an amazing set! Congrats on a stellar collection!

日期: 6/22/2021 5:40 下午 张贴人: zsrc

Outstanding accomplishment to assemble such a complete set of true lowball coins. As a fellow lowball collector, I recognize the thousands of hours over many years of collecting to assemble this masterpiece. Congratulations on the #1 spot!

日期: 6/19/2021 9:02 上午 张贴人: Chesapeake

What an amazing accomplishment! Thousands of hours surely went into this set and it shows, with an incredible amount of PO1's mostly being made from scratch! Congrats on the set and it's great to see such a quality collection of Lowballs in one place

日期: 6/16/2021 6:24 下午 张贴人: EdelmansCoins

Nice low ball set and thanks!

日期: 1/20/2020 1:55 下午 张贴人: PortsmouthCoinShop
