Bahá’í History Collection* 1897 Birth of The Guardian
After the ascension of Bahá'u'lláh in 1892, for the 1st time in religious history, an authenticated Will & Testament in the Faith's Founder's own handwriting was left behind with instructions; Bahá'u'lláh appointed His eldest son 'Abdu'l-Bahá as the sole Interpreter of His Father's teachings (meaning He could explain the teachings but not change them); when 'Abdu'l-Bahá passed in 1921, He also left a Will & Testament that appointed His grandson Shoghi Effendi as the Faith's sole, authorized Interpreter, also known as The Guardian.
The Guardian spent his life establishing the foundation of the Bahá'i Administrative Order, involving Local and National Spiritual Assemblies (councils of nine members), leading to the election of the Universal House of Justice, the Bahá'i Faith's world governing council.
Ultimately, in one sense, The Guardian helped established the equality of all women and men because no individual in the Bahá'i Faith has any authority over another; The Bahá'i Faith does not have any clergy, only these Spiritual Assemblies of nine people have any authority over community affairs.
Shoghi Effendi was the first and last Guardian, passing away in 1957. Having no children, he directed the Bahá'is of the world to follow the guidance of the Universal House of Justice, the governing body which will last at least until, as Bahá'u'lláh foretold, the next Message from God is given to humanity in not less than 1000 years.