1936-Present Proof Set

To the advanced numismatist, the "modern" Proof set era really began in 1936 when, after a twenty year hiatus, the mint again began producing proof coins for collectors. This massive 658-piece set covers the entire panorama of United States Proof Coinage for the past 80 years, and encompasses the memories of nearly everyone alive today. From Buffalo Nickels, Mercury Dimes and Walkers, to the "American the Beautiful" and Native American & Presidential Dollars, this set has them all! As one might expect, the toughest coins will be the 1936-1942 pre-war issues, and finding gem examples of these will really result in a top notch set. For the modern proof coin aficianado, this ranks as the ultimate Set Registry undertaking.

Notes: This set has bonuses. Please see the Set Composition for a listing.

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