1950-Present Proof Set with Major Varieties

Proof set production was resumed in 1950 after a seven year hiatus around the time of World War II. The postwar generation took a great interest in these sets, and from the early 1960s through the late 1980s, between three and four million sets were sold annually. Sales since then have hovered in the 1-2 million range for larger sets, but the proliferation of smaller sub-sets have diluted these numbers somewhat. There are however, several extremely rare varieties, that make completing this particular set next-to-impossible. Heading the list, is the 1975 No "S" Dime, of which only two specimens are known. One sold several years ago for the amazing sum of $350,000. Closely related is the 1968 No "S" dime, of which perhaps a dozen and a half exist. This coin regularly sells at a low to mid five figure price. Most of the other tough varieties are other No "S" strikes, including a cent from 1990, a nickel from 1971 and two additional dimes in 1970 and 1983. In any event, this massive 651 piece set showcases the finest work of the U.S. mint for the past 65 years, and even getting close to completion is a significant accomplishment.

Notes: This set has bonuses. Please see the Set Composition for a listing.

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