Manya Five Cent Patterns 的钱币相册
Pollock-489, Rarity: Low R.7, PR64 Red, CAC Endorsed Stuck in Copper with plain edge Provenance/Appearances: THE SEATTLE COLLECTION Legends Auction #37 Mar 2020 /Lot121; Heritage Sept 2007 Long Beach, / Lot #3014 & also The Superior Sept 1999 Pre-Long Beach Sale / Lot 1384 ($3100) The latter 2 As NGC PF64RD
Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nicjkel w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-562 Short 5
Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in nickel with a plain edge. Pollock P-564,
Pollock P-576, Rarity Low R.7 ( Less than 12 Pieces) , CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Plain Edge
Pollock-578, Rarity: Low R.7 Stuck in Copper with Plain Edge EX: Great Collections 2022, G.R. Forsythe Collection, Prior: Goldberg Auctions Feb 1981 (Benson Collection Part I) / Lot # 3899
Rarity: R.5 ( 30 -75 Pieces), Struck In Nickel w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-591 CAC Endorsed in OGH
Pollock-592, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Plain edge
Pollock-622; Rarity: R.5 , Struck in Aluminum w/ Plain Edge CAC Endorsed. Pedigree/Appearances: Heritage Jan 2013 FUN / Lot #6694; Stacks and Bowers Aug 2012 ANA /Lot #12089
Pollock-624, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Copper with Plain Edge Ex Bob SImpson
Rarity: High R.7 ( 4-7 Pieces) Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Pollock P-640 Pollock-638 has the 7 in the date distant from the curl; the 7 is close to the curl on this coin, representing the extremely rare Pollock-640. A curly Mint-made lintmark below the leaf tip near the first T in TRUST serves as a pedigree marker.
Pollock-639, Low R.7 Struck in copper with Plain Edge Ex: Bass - Simpson
Rarity: Low R.7 (7 -12 Pieces) Pollock P-649, Reverse of 1866 (Pollock sites 2 rev. varieties) Struck In Copper with Plain Edge
Pollock-647, rarity: High R.7, Ex Simpson Struck in Copper with pain edge
Pollock-693, Low R.6,. CAC endorsed. Ex: Simpson. Struck in Nickel with plain edge
Pollock-697, Rarity High R.7, (3-7 Pieces) Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Ex: Dr. Charles L. Ruby Collection I (Superior, 2/1974),
Pollock-701, Rarity:R.8, (Just 3 Known) Struck in Copper with Plain edge Appearances/Provenance: : Ex: William H. Woodin; Col. E.H.R. Green; J.M. Wade; Washington, D.C. ANA Sale (Stack's, 8/1971), lot 357; H.W. Bass, Jr. Collection, Part I (Bowers and Merena, 5/1999), lot 1045, Wayne Wilcox, Julian Leidmen
Rarity: R.4 ( 76-200 Pieces), Struck In Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-705 CAC Endorsed, "V" w/ Motto
Pollock-706, High R.7, Struck in copper with a plain edge Ex: Simpson.
Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 pieces but Rarely seen), Pollock-762, Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Purchased by Harry Bass, Jr. from Abe Kosoff on August 3, 1971; Bass I (Bowers and Merena, 5/99), lot 1048:
Pollock P-763, Rarity: R.5, CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge
Pollock-895, Rarity: Low R.7, Stuck on a Thin Planchet with a plain edge and in the regular copper-nickel alloy, CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson
Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1184 CAC Endorsed
Pollock-1185, Low R.6, Struck in Copper with Plain Edge Ex; Simpson
Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Pollock P-1189 Struck in copper with Plain Edge, CAC Endosed in OGH
Pollock-1329, Rarity: R.8, (one of just two known), Struck in Copper with Plain Edge. Appearances: Sale of the 70's (Kagin's, 11/1973), lot 355; A.N.A. Auction, Volume III (Kagin's, 8/1977), lot 2143; Piedmont Sale (Superior, 1/1996), lot 1199, Wayne Wilcox, Julian Leidman.
Pollock-1406, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Copper with plain Edge, Only 2 pieces have been traced/Confirmed per USPatterncom
Pollock-1495; Rarity: R.8, Only 2 Known Struck in aluminum with a plain edge
Rarity: low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1882
Pollock-1885; Rarity: High R.7; Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge Only 4 traced to date
Pollock-1887, Rarity High R.7 / R8, Struck In Copper with Plain Edge Only Two Confirmed
Pollock P-1892. Rarity: R.5. Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Transitional Pattern
Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 pieces), Struck in Copper w/Plain Edge, Pollock P-1893 Possible Ex: John L Harris Collection (Stack 1950) & Exempler Collection (2016)
Pollock-1896, Low R.7 Struck In copper with Reeded Edges EX :Major Lenox R. Lohr Collection, Empire Coin Co., 1961, George N. Polis M.D. Collection (Bowers & Merena, 6/1991), lot 1105
Pollock-1897, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge Provenance/Appearances: EX Bass Vis Harry X. Boosel "1873" Collection, RARCOA, April 1972, / Lot #1179; - Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection; Bowers & Merena's Part I, May 1999/ Lot #1061; - Bowers & Merena Mar 2000 (Lindesmith Collection)/ Lot # 2015; - Superior Feb 2001 ( Pre Long Beach) / Lot #5117; - ANR's July 2003 Classics Sale,/ Lot #1013; - ANR's Frog Run Farm Collection Sale, Nov 2004, / Lot #16; - Richard C. Jewell Collection, Stacks and Bowers Aug 2011 Chicago ANA / Lot # 7533 (passed) - Regency Auction XIV, October 2015, /Lot #354.
Pollock-1922, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge
Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1934
Pollock-1954, Rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces) Ex Simpson Struck in Silver with Plain Edge The reverse has an intermittent circular impression made at the mint from a miscalibrated attempt in creating the central perforation
Rarity: High R.6 (12-20 Pieces) Pollock P-1989, Struck in Aluminum with Plain edge. CAC Endorsed