Dave's complete set with Major Var. and Proofs 的钱币相册

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1800 1/2C N1BN PCGS #1051

G details- rev dam

1879 1C MS64BN PCGS #2133

Lustrous fluorescent blue toning both sides

1911 1C MS64BN PCGS #2441

Great strike- proof-like details in hair and beard

1897 10C XF45 PCGS #4812

appears to be RPD

1806 25C B-5 G4 PCGS #38931

Browning 5-R4

1807 25C B-1 G4 PCGS #38939

Browning 1-R2

1907-O 25C AU58 PCGS #5647

Obverse die cracks

1881 $1 MS64 PCGS #7124

Gold and magenta toning- both sides

1881 $1 MS64 PCGS #7124

Gold and magenta toning- both sides

1881-O $1 MS63 PCGS #7128

Sweet Blue lusterous toning on obverse- bright golden toning on reverse

1881-O $1 MS63 PCGS #7128

Sweet Blue lusterous toning on obverse- bright golden toning on reverse

1882-O $1 MS63 PCGS #7136

Neon blue and crimson toning on reverse

1882-O $1 MS63 PCGS #7136

Neon blue and crimson toning on reverse