PCGS 数量报告: So-Called Dollars

So-Called Dollars, MS   |   So-Called Dollars, PR   |   So-Called Dollars, SP

So-Called Dollars, 普 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
总计 MS 1 2 4 4 4 7 1 2 5 4 4 10 7 2,373
总计 MS 61
总计 MSBN 2 1 6 2 1 1 4 1 301
总计 MSRB 64
总计 MSRD 72
总计 MSPL 4
总计 MSCAM 1
788271 1887 Medal GW-1050 Gilt Cu Independence Hall MS 2
657884 (c.1900) Medal GW-1062 White Metal P.O.S.A - Lebanon, PA MS 1
925164 1950 Medal 90th Anniversary of Boston Numismatic Society MS 1
930424 1935 AR Medal 75th Anniversary of Boston Numismatic Society MS 3
901877 1984 Medal A.N.A. Member Medal Ag 32mm MS 1
918272 (1984) Medal A.N.A. Howland Wood Memorial Ag 63mm MS 1
901879 1928 Medal Detroit Coin Club 100th Meeting A.N.A. Bronze 37mm MS 1
802703 (c.1889) Medalet GW-1064 Brass, P.O.S.A. Little Red Schoolhouse MS 1
660418 1887 Medal GW-1054 Copper Independence Hall, BN MSBN 2
788530 1887 Medal GW-1054 Copper Independence Hall, RB MSRB 1
681626 1887 Medal GW-1041 Bronze Independence Hall Small MS 1
657885 (c.1889) Medal GW-1131 White Metal, 2nd Obv Taking The Oath MS 2
676524 1889 AE Medal GW-1136, Saint Gaudens Inaugural Centennial Badge, BN MSBN 4
681628 1889 Medal GW-1136 Silver by St. Gaudens Inaugural Centennial Badge MS 1
659544 1889 Medal GW-1112 White Metal While We Enjoy The Fruit MS 1
670482 1889 AE Medal GW-1123, Republique Centenaires, BN MSBN 3
838373 1889 AR Medal GW-1123 Republique Centenaires, Salut MS 4
658960 (c.1889) Medal GW-1104 Bronze Equestrian-Centennial Inaguration MS 1
763741 (c.1940s) Tk "$50" Jankovsky-J640 Gilt-Cu Days of '49 Slug, Blunt 4 MS 5
968479 1976 Token Jankovsky-975, Bicentennial MS 2
790375 (c.1970's) Tk "$50" Jankovsky-740 Brass Facsimile Coca Cola Bottling 'Slug' MS 4
926799 (c.1940) Tk "$50" Jankovsky-840 Brass Facsimile Parker I MS 1
926800 (c.1915) Tk "$50" Jankovsky-315 Brass Facsimile Humbert Eagle MS 1
803590 (c.1915) Tk "$50" Jankovsky-215 Gilt-Brass Days of '49 Slug MS 1
642162 1876 SC$1 HK-69a Silver, Fountain Dollar U.S. Centennial Expo MS 1
642167 1876 Medal GW-915 HK-70a Cu American Star, BN MSBN 1
785092 (c.1876) Medal GW-915 HK-70 WM American Star MS 1
642178 (c.1876) Medal GW-917, HK-72a WM American Colonies MS 1
642183 1876 Medal HK-73 MS 1
642184 1876 SC$1 GW-824, HK-74 White Metal, 1st Die Decleration Colonial Independence MS 1
642193 1876 SC$1 HK-76, Declaration of Independence MS 1
642201 1876 Medal HK-80 WM Centennial Expo. Memorial Hall MS 1
642206 1876 Medal HK-81a Silver U.S. Centennial Expo MS 1
642208 1876 Medal HK-82 MS 1
642212 1876 SC$1 HK-83a Silver U.S. Centennial Expo MS 1
642213 1876 SC$1 HK-83b, Centennial Expo MS 1
642234 1876 Medal GW-884, HK-90 Silver Moore's Creek Bridge MS 1
642235 1876 Medal GW-884, HK-91 Bronze Moore's Creek Bridge, BN MSBN 1
642239 1876 Medal GW-885, HK-93 Silver Sullivan's Island MS 1
642240 1876 Medal GW-885, HK-94 Bronze Sullivan's Island, BN MSBN 1
642244 1876 Medal GW-886, HK-96 Silver Long Island MS 1
642245 1876 Medal GW-886, HK-97 Bronze Long Island, BN MSBN 1
785061 (c.1876) Medal GW-894 WM Long Island MS 1
642249 1876 Medal GW-887, HK-99 Silver Harlem Plains MS 2
642250 1876 Medal GW-887, HK-100 Bronze Harlem Plains, BN MSBN 1
642253 (c.1876) Medal GW-887, HK-101 White Metal Holed Harlem Plains MS 1
642254 1876 Medal GW-888, HK-102 silver Lake Champlain MS 1
642255 1876 Medal GW-888, HK-103 Bronze Lake Champlain, BN MSBN 1
642259 1876 Medal GW-889, HK-105 Silver White Plains MS 2
642260 1876 Medal GW-889, HK-106 Bronze White Plains, BN MSBN 1
642264 1876 Medal GW-890, HK-108 Silver Fort Washington MS 1
642265 1876 Medal GW-890, HK-109 Bronze Fort Washington, BN MSBN 1
759713 1876 Medal GW-898 Bronze, 2nd Obv Fort Washington, No. 7 MS 2
785066 (c.1876) Medal GW-898 WM, 2nd Obv Fort Washington MS 1
784967 (c.1875) Medal GW-838 Brass, 3rd Obv Lovett-Level, Plumb & Square MS 3
784955 (c.1875) Medal GW-837 Copper, 2nd Obv Lovett-Level, Plumb & Square, RB MSRB 1
654959 1875 Medal GW-836 Copper, 1st Obv Lovett-Level, Plumb & Square, RB MSRB 2
658132 (c.1875) Medal GW-853 Cu, 2nd & 4th Obv Double Head Mule, BN MSBN 1
883464 (c.1875) Medal GW-853 WM, 2nd & 4th Obv Double Head Mule MS 1
658133 (c.1875) Medal GW-853 Cu, 2nd & 4th Obv Double Head Mule, RB MSRB 1
785004 (c.1876) Medal GW-854 WM Double Head Mule MS 2
785011 (c.1875) Medal GW-856 Cu Washington and Grant, RB MSRB 1
785005 (c.1875) Medal GW-855 Cu Double Head Mule, RB MSRB 1
660429 1875 Medal GW-857 Bronze Assumed Command MS 2
642269 1876 Medal GW-891, HK-111 Silver Trenton MS 1
642270 1876 Medal GW-891, HK-112 Bronze Trenton, BN MSBN 1
642274 (c.1861) SC$1 HK-114, GW-432 White Metal Unity of Government MS 1
642278 (c.1861) SC$1 HK-114b, GW-432 Bronze Unity of Government MS 1
642291 1876 Medal GW-902, HK-115a Silver U.S. Centennial Exposition MS 1
642295 1876 Medal GW-902, HK-117 White Metal U.S. Centennial Exposition MS 1
642298 1876 Medal HK-118b GW-878 Bronze 1st Century of Liberty MS 1
788449 1876 Medal GW-880 White Metal Union Forever MS 2
909855 (c.1876) Medal GW-880 Silver Union Forever MS 1
788450 (c.1876) Medal GW-881 Copper Sheldon Family Arms, BN MSBN 1
642305 1878 SC$1 HK-120 Bronze, Wyoming Battle Centennial, BN MSBN 4
642310 1878 SC$1 HK-120c Gilt-Copper Wyoming Massacre Centennial MS 3
803786 1878 Medal HK-120e Nickel-Plated Copper WY Battle Centennial MS 1
642312 1878 WM SC$1 HK-121, Wyoming Massacre MS 2
642313 1879 SC$1 HK-122 Bronze Stony Point Centennial MS 1
642323 1881 WM SC$1 HK-125, Battle of Groton Heights MS 2
642327 1881 Medal HK-125b, BN MSBN 1
642330 1881 Medal HK-125c Silver Battle of Groton Heights MS 2
642342 1893 Medal HK-128 Baker-B-324A Al Holed Trenton Battle Monument MS 1
642348 1901 SC$1 HK-131 Copper Boston Evacuation, 125th Ann., BN MSBN 4
896291 (c.1860) SC$1 Rulau Ct-Ha 19A, Robert Fulton, BN MSBN 2
967862 (Ca. 1860) SC$1 Rulau Ct-Ha 19A, Robert Fulton, RB MSRB 1
967475 (Ca. 1860) SC$1 Rulau Ct-Ha 19B, Robert Fulton MS 1
967477 (Ca. 1860) Medal Rulau Ct-Ha 19C, Robert Fulton MS 2
642356 1860 SC$1 HK-133a Silver-Plated Revolutionary War Battles MS 1
642357 (1860) SC$1 HK-133b, Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne, BN MSBN 1
642360 (1860) SC$1 HK-133c, Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne MS 2
642361 (1860) SC$1 HK-133d, Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne MS 1
642362 1883 Medal GW-998 HK-134 Copper Proclamation of Peace, BN MSBN 2
642365 1883 SC$1 HK-135, GW-998 White Metal Washington's Headquarters MS 1
642368 1878 Medal HK-136 Baker-449 Ag Valley Forge Centennial MS 2
642369 1878 SC$1 HK-137, GW-959 Bronze Valley Forge Centennial MS 9
642372 1882 Medal HK-138 Brass Pennsylvania Bicentennial MS 1
642383 1885 Medal HK-142 White Metal, World's Industrial & Cotton Expo MS 1
969320 1885 AE Medal Harkness La-50 Industrial & Cotton Expo MS 1
976393 1895 AR Medal Harkness Reg-8 Cotton States & Int. Expo MS 1
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