PCGS 数量报告: 开曼群岛

开曼群岛, MS   |   开曼群岛, PL   |   开曼群岛, PR   |   开曼群岛, SP

开曼群岛, 精 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
总计 PR 37 37
总计 PRRB 1 1
总计 PRCAM 14 14
总计 PRDCAM 350 350
273717 1980 $25 Saxe-Coburg & Windsor, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
273721 1990 $25 Evacuation of Dunkirk, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
273723 1975 $50 Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 6 6
273725 1976 $50 Sovereign Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 4 4
273727 1977 $50 Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 4 4
273730 1978 $50 Coronation 25th Anniv. Ag, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
273737 1978 $50 Ampulla Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
273738 1978 $50 Royal Orb Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
273740 1978 $50 St. Edwards Crown Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
273741 1978 $50 Coronation Chair Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
273743 1978 $50 The Spoon Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
432900 1990 $5 Queen Mother Birth Centennial, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
508183 1972 50C PR 1 1
539292 1982 $10 Year of the Child KM-P1 Piefort, DCAM PRDCAM 5 5
907673 1973 50C, CAM PRCAM 1 1
907671 1973 $1 PR 1 1
907670 1973 1C, RB PRRB 1 1
907669 1973 25C PR 1 1
818779 2000 $2 Golden Jubilee, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
818796 2003 $2 Royal Horticulture Society, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
653536 1987 $250 40th Wedding Anniversary, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
948492 2014 $5 Forever from First Love, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
517044 2006 $5 Queen & Prince Philip, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
768727 2018 $5 Marlin, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
846879 2018/2019 $5 Marlin - 2018 PR Rev Muled with 2019 MS Obv, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
818790 2012 $5 Royal Yacht Britannia, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
818793 2013 $5 Victoria Memorial in London, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
501648 1986 1C KM-1, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
406807 1987 25C, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
880683 1977 $100 Silver Jubilee, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
406814 1987 1C, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
399676 1974-FM 5C, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
406809 1987 5C, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
406808 1987 10C, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
399916 1987 50C, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
151320 1974-FM $1, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
399938 1987 $1, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
109960 1995 $1 PR 1 1
408153 1973 $2 PR 4 4
909569 1973 $2, CAM PRCAM 1 1
909570 1973 $2, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
151316 1974-FM $2, DCAM PRDCAM 6 6
399939 1983-FM $2, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
399940 1987-FM $2, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
164358 1985 $5 PR 1 1
151315 1974-FM $5 KM-8, DCAM PRDCAM 8 8
399941 1983-FM $5, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
163607 1987 $5 40th Wedding Anniv KM-85 PR 1 1
973380 1987 $5 40th Wedding Anniv KM-85, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
406806 1987 $5 40th Wedding Anniv KM-85a, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
142397 1987 $5 WWF-Cuban Amazon KM-95, DCAM PRDCAM 16 16
531736 1988 $5 Seoul Olympics-Sailboard KM-94.1, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
534432 1988 $5 Seoul Olympics-Sailboard KM-143 w/o Denomination, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
533291 1988 $5 Discovery of America, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
905352 1988 $5 Visit of Princess Alexandra, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
145090 1993 $5 Coronation, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
620151 1972 $25 Wedding KM-9 PR 1 1
417668 1972 $25 Wedding KM-9, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
417936 1972 $25 Wedding KM-9, CAM PRCAM 4 4
417128 1974 $25 Churchill, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
164983 1990 $25 Dunkirk PR 1 1
170744 1977 $50 Mary I PR 1 1
520793 1977 $50 Mary I, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
527486 1977 $50 Anne, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
170746 1977 $50 Anne PR 1 1
170747 1977 $50 Mary II PR 1 1
520794 1977 $50 Mary II, DCAM PRDCAM 5 5
170748 1977 $50 Victoria PR 1 1
527488 1977 $50 Elizabeth I, DCAM PRDCAM 1 1
520792 1977 $50 Victoria, DCAM PRDCAM 5 5
170749 1978 $50 Orb PR 1 1
170750 1978 $50 Chair PR 1 1
170751 1978 $50 Scepter Au Coronation 25th Anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
170752 1978 $50 Ampulla PR 1 1
419734 1994 $50 KM-115, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
109941 1975 $100 Queens of England PR 3 3
393540 1975 $100 Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 11 11
170753 1976 $100 Queens of England PR 1 1
393541 1976 $100 Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 3 3
170743 1977 $100 Queens of England PR 1 1
527602 1977 $100 Queens of England, DCAM PRDCAM 5 5
170742 1978 $100 Coronation PR 1 1
501852 1978 $100 Coronation, DCAM PRDCAM 2 2
109950 1988 $100 Columbus PR 4 4
419732 1988 $100 Columbus, DCAM PRDCAM 6 6
419733 1989 $100 KM-101, DCAM PRDCAM 4 4
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