PCGS 数量报告: 利比里亚

利比里亚, MS   |   利比里亚, PL   |   利比里亚, PR   |   利比里亚, SP

利比里亚, 精 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
总计 PR 2,857
总计 PRBN 38
总计 PRRB 23
总计 PRRD 17
总计 PRCAM 124
总计 PRDCAM 2,411
913463 1975 5C PR 1
431750 1975 5C, DCAM PRDCAM 1
928458 1973 $1 PR 3
969216 1973 $1, CAM PRCAM 1
465504 1973 $1, DCAM PRDCAM 5
465476 1971 50C PR 6
465473 1968 50C PR 32
465474 1969 50C PR 3
465498 1968 $1 PR 38
465499 1969 $1 PR 1
486334 1964 L $20 PR 1
486374 1965-B L $25 KM-21a Tubman PR 4
431765 1968 10C PR 23
431766 1969 10C PR 3
431741 1968 5C PR 24
431742 1969 5C PR 3
427353 1968 25C PR 29
427354 1969 25C PR 3
938312 1969 25C, CAM PRCAM 1
427356 1971 25C PR 1
431774 1975 10C PR 1
431769 1971 10C PR 1
914960 1974 50C PR 1
629717 1973 5C PR 2
775551 1847 1C, BN PRBN 4
118687 1862 2C, BN PRBN 7
352278 1862 1C, BN PRBN 1
949110 1862/47 1C KM-Pn5, BN PRBN 3
949228 1866 P1C KM-Pn11, BN PRBN 3
500925 1968 1C, BN PRBN 5
630973 1889 P50C KM-Pn44, RB PRRB 1
537042 1862 1C, RB PRRB 1
618165 1969 1C, RB PRRB 1
500926 1968 1C, RB PRRB 1
627688 1973 1C, RD PRRD 2
618166 1969 1C, RD PRRD 1
500930 1971 1C, RD PRRD 2
500927 1968 1C, RD PRRD 7
500997 1971 10C, CAM PRCAM 2
500998 1971 5C, CAM PRCAM 3
500999 1971 50C, CAM PRCAM 2
500993 1971 $1, CAM PRCAM 4
500994 1971 25C, CAM PRCAM 3
618595 1974 25C, CAM PRCAM 1
623011 1975 25C, CAM PRCAM 2
623015 1975 $1, CAM PRCAM 3
623013 1975 50C, CAM PRCAM 2
629718 1973 50C, CAM PRCAM 4
627685 1972 $1, CAM PRCAM 1
683573 1968 50C, CAM PRCAM 2
812095 1973 25C, CAM PRCAM 3
812098 1973 10C, CAM PRCAM 3
772809 1968 $1, CAM PRCAM 8
506961 1969 50C, CAM PRCAM 4
535649 1974 1C, CAM PRCAM 1
535660 1974 50C, CAM PRCAM 3
535661 1974 10C, CAM PRCAM 3
939349 1972 1C, RD PRRD 1
598762 1972 1C, CAM PRCAM 1
523324 1975 $5 Elephant, CAM PRCAM 10
531402 1969 $1, CAM PRCAM 2
812100 1973 5C, CAM PRCAM 1
889812 1968 25C, CA PRCAM 3
889813 1968 10C, CA PRCAM 1
896950 1984 $10 X#2 Basketball, CAM PRCAM 2
812101 1973 1C, CAM PRCAM 1
623009 1975 10C, CAM PRCAM 1
673813 2000 $500 JFK / JFK Jr. Memorial Missing Gold Inlay, DCAM PRDCAM 1
673814 2000 $500 JFK / JFK Jr. Memorial Gold Inlay, DCAM PRDCAM 1
773905 1965 $12 President Tubman 70th Birthday, DCAM PRDCAM 3
799737 1997 $5 Deng Xiaoping, DCAM PRDCAM 10
772808 1968 $1, DCAM PRDCAM 3
521642 1976 $400 KM-Pn57, DCAM PRDCAM 1
521643 1976 P$200 KM-Pn56, DCAM PRDCAM 2
521644 1976 $100 KM-Pn55, DCAM PRDCAM 2
817527 1996 $5 Marine Life Protection, DCAM PRDCAM 1
817528 1997 $5 Marine Life Protection, DCAM PRDCAM 1
817531 1999 $5 Marine Life Protection, DCAM PRDCAM 1
904053 2000 $20 Battle of Chancellorsville Civil War, DCAM PRDCAM 3
904074 1999 $5 Transrapid-08, DCAM PRDCAM 1
904857 1997 $20 Princess Diana - Final Journey, DCAM PRDCAM 3
890711 2000 $10 Wallstreet, DCAM PRDCAM 1
892173 2000 $10 Millennium, DCAM PRDCAM 2
893472 1995 $10 First Thanksgiving Pilgrim Fathers 375th Ann, DCAM PRDCAM 1
893473 1995 $10 The Mayflower Pilgrim Fathers 375th Ann, DCAM PRDCAM 1
893474 1995 $10 Cape Cod Pilgrim Fathers 375th Ann, DCAM PRDCAM 1
910412 2000 $20 Palace of Schonbrunn World Heritage Site, DCAM PRDCAM 1
910482 1997 $20 Princess Diana In Memoriam Au, DCAM PRDCAM 1
911811 2000 $20 R.M.S. Mauretania, DCAM PRDCAM 1
911812 2000 $20 USS Constitution, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906059 2002 $1 Sebastian Munster 100 Deutche Mark Banknote, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906060 2002 $1 Elsbeth Tucher 20 Deutche Mark Banknote, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906061 2002 $1 Carl Friedrich Gauss 10 Deutche Mark Banknote, DCAM PRDCAM 1
907994 1999 $10 Transrapid-08 Ag, DCAM PRDCAM 1
907259 1983 $2 F.A.O. Fisheries Conference KM-P1 Piedfort, DCAM PRDCAM 1
924845 1992-PM $20 Ayrton Senna Au Formula One Drivers, DCAM PRDCAM 1
921633 1968 50C, DCAM PRDCAM 1
500934 1971 5C, DCAM PRDCAM 1
465515 1979 $1, DCAM PRDCAM 1
465503 1972 $1, DCAM PRDCAM 1
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