PCGS 数量报告: 土耳其

土耳其, MS   |   土耳其, PL   |   土耳其, PR   |   土耳其, SP

土耳其, 精 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
总计 PR 105
总计 PRBN 4
总计 PRRB 20
总计 PRCAM 60
总计 PRDCAM 498
840325 2001 7.5M L Yaz Ordegi, DCAM PRDCAM 1
840326 2001 7.5M L Dikkuyruk, DCAM PRDCAM 1
840327 2001 7.5M L Yesil Arikusu, DCAM PRDCAM 2
840328 2001 7.5M L Kucuk Karabatak, DCAM PRDCAM 2
840329 2001 7.5M L Kizil Akbaba, DCAM PRDCAM 1
126665 1999 4M Lira Ataturk, DCAM PRDCAM 2
798029 2001 7.5M L Tepeli Pelikan, DCAM PRDCAM 1
797987 2001 7.5M L Sakalli Akbaba, DCAM PRDCAM 2
118005 2001 7.5M L Ishakkusu, DCAM PRDCAM 3
118009 2001 7.5M L Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi, DCAM PRDCAM 5
952004 1994 50000 L World Cup Soccer, DCAM PRDCAM 1
383706 nd(1994) 50000 L Bald Ibis, DCAM PRDCAM 7
383708 1995 50000 L Turkish National Assembly, DCAM PRDCAM 1
383709 1995 50000 L National Police, DCAM PRDCAM 2
383732 1999 4M Lira Fethiye, DCAM PRDCAM 1
383734 1999 4M Lira Istanbul Culture Capital, DCAM PRDCAM 1
965790 1999 4M Lira Osman Gazi, CAM PRCAM 1
383738 1999 4M Lira Osman Gazi, DCAM PRDCAM 1
383739 1999 4M Lira Mehmed the Conqueror, DCAM PRDCAM 2
383740 1999 4M Lira Ottoman Miniatures, DCAM PRDCAM 2
965791 1999 4M Lira First Ottoman Coin, CAM PRCAM 1
383741 1999 4M Lira First Ottoman Coin, DCAM PRDCAM 2
965366 1999 60M L 700th Ann. Ottoman Empire PR 1
383742 1999 60M L 700th Ann. Ottoman Empire, DCAM PRDCAM 1
253383 1970 25 Lira Ntl. Assembly in Ankara, DCAM PRDCAM 2
965486 1991 500K L Yunus Emre, CAM PRCAM 1
438008 1991 500K L Yunus Emre, DC PRDCAM 1
438009 1992 500K L Turkish Jews, DC PRDCAM 2
383701 nd(1993) 50000 L 1994 World Cup KM-1021.1, DCAM PRDCAM 1
947181 2001 10M L European Pond Turtle, DCAM PRDCAM 1
251108 2001 10M L Bogazici'nde Yalilar, DCAM PRDCAM 2
251109 2002 10M L Haghia Sophia KM-1160, DCAM PRDCAM 1
437998 1989 200K L KM-1004 Teacher's Day, DCAM PRDCAM 1
437999 1990 200K L Battle of Gallipoli, DC PRDCAM 2
965489 1994 500K L KM-1032 GAP PR 1
965490 1995 500K L National Assembly PR 1
438012 1995 500K L National Assembly, DC PRDCAM 1
965491 1995 500K L Istanbul Gold Exchange, CAM PRCAM 1
971214 2013 50 L Mediterranean Games, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898517 2013 100 L Phrygians, CAM PRCAM 1
901482 1999 7.5M L Trojan Horse, CA PRCAM 3
898521 2014 100 L Lydians, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898524 2015 100 L Urartians, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898527 2016 100 L Ionians, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898530 2017 100 L Roman Empire, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898533 2018 100 L Seljuk Empire, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898536 2019 100 L The Roman Era, DCAM PRDCAM 1
898539 2020 100 L Ottoman Empire, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906427 2020 20 L Grand Hagia Sophia Mosque, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906428 2020 20 L Grand Hagia Sophia Mosque, DCAM PRDCAM 1
964715 2022 20 L Naim Süleymanoğlu, DCAM PRDCAM 1
964714 2022 20 L Mor Gabriel Monastery, DCAM PRDCAM 1
927928 2022 20 L Turkish State Mint 555th Ann., DCAM PRDCAM 2
929232 2022 20 Lira Court of Accounts 160th Ann., DCAM PRDCAM 2
932446 2021 20 Lira Cocuk Esirgeme Kurumu, DCAM PRDCAM 2
932447 2021 20 Lira Bilge Tonyukuk Inscriptions, DCAM PRDCAM 5
609852 1999 7.5M L Trojan Horse, DCAM PRDCAM 1
932456 2021 20 Lira Ismet Inonu, DCAM PRDCAM 1
932458 2021 20 Lira Turkish House, DCAM PRDCAM 1
543456 1979 500 L Year of the Child KM-P1 Piefort, DCAM PRDCAM 2
900082 2009 200 L Barak Obama, DCAM PRDCAM 3
911053 2020 200 L Grand Hagia Sophia Mosque, DCAM PRDCAM 2
510280 2000 7.5M L Soccer, DCAM PRDCAM 1
901230 2000 7.5M L Year 2000, DCAM PRDCAM 1
901229 2000 7.5M L Year 2000, DCAM PRDCAM 1
901228 2000 7.5M L Year 2000, DCAM PRDCAM 1
599518 AH1277 10 Para Pattern cf KM-700 Without Regal Year, RB PRRB 1
710771 AH1277//4 (1864) 10 Para KM-700, RB PRRB 4
148006 AH1255//21 40 Para, BN PRBN 1
904160 2006 25 Kur Medical Education, DCAM PRDCAM 1
861268 2006 25 Kur Newyear Celebration, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906163 1972 50 L August Victory 50th Ann., CAM PRCAM 1
511044 1972 50 L August Victory 50th Ann., DCAM PRDCAM 4
654403 2010 50 L Ertugrul Firkateyni, DCAM PRDCAM 7
906406 2010 50 L European Capital Of Culture M.O. 6200 Istanbul, DCAM PRDCAM 1
906411 2010 50 L European Capital Of Culture Istanbul, DCAM PRDCAM 1
930015 2010 50 L Koran 1400th anniv., DCAM PRDCAM 1
906410 2010 20 L European Capital Of Culture Enerjisi, DCAM PRDCAM 1
905215 2012 50 L Turkish Olympics 10th Ann., DCAM PRDCAM 1
706588 2009 50 L Keloğlan KM-1251, DCAM PRDCAM 2
967055 2009 50 L National Movement, DCAM PRDCAM 1
786695 2009 50 L Frederic Chopin, DCAM PRDCAM 1
957865 2009 50 L Earth Global Warming Water: Fountain of Life, DCAM PRDCAM 1
884851 2005 20 L Galatasaray Sports Club, DCAM PRDCAM 1
905593 1996 1M L Istanbul PR 2
629583 1996 1M L Istanbul, DCAM PRDCAM 1
905584 1996 1M L H.Behcet PR 1
905585 1996 1M L Kardelen PR 2
905586 1996 1M L Akdeniz Foku Endangered Wildlife, DCAM PRDCAM 5
905587 1997 1M L Piri Reis PR 4
905588 1997 3M L Maiden'sTower PR 1
965493 1997 3M L Maiden'sTower, CAM PRCAM 2
172718 1999 4M Lira Eclipse-Observation PR 2
172719 1999 4M Lira Eclipse-Phases PR 2
906434 1999 Medal Hand in Hand, DCAM PRDCAM 1
905486 1979 10K L Unicef PR 1
916443 2002 10M L i Rumi Gönüller Sultani, CAM PRCAM 1
516877 2002 10M L i Rumi Gönüller Sultani, DCAM PRDCAM 13
905612 1971 50 L Battle of Malazgirt PR 3
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