PCGS 数量报告: Charles X

Charles X, 样 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
总计 SP 43
总计 SPBN 6
681868 1829 Medal Academy of France, BN SPBN 1
673132 1824 Medal Colligon-435 Bronzed AE SP 1
786656 1824 Medal Advent of Charles X Bronzed AE SP 1
607338 "1825" Medal Coronation AE Restrike SP 2
798482 "1828" Medal Lunion Fire Insurance Ag Corne1 SP 1
805166 "1828" Medal Lunion Fire Insurance Ag Corne2 SP 1
628444 1825 Medal Collignon-453 Au Charles X Coronation SP 1
660389 1825 Medal Collignon-453 Bronzed AE Charles X Coronation SP 2
658481 1825 Medal Collignon-457 Ae, BN SPBN 2
658221 1825 Medal Sb-89a Ag Charles X Coronation SP 3
809186 1825 Medal Sb-94a Gold Charles X Coronation SP 1
691750 1825 Medal Sb-80a Bienne-284 Au Charles X Coronation SP 1
804550 1825 Medal Collignon-455 Bronzed AE Charles X Coronation SP 1
656228 1825 Medal Collignon-465 Ag Charles X Coronation SP 1
626813 1827 Medal Saint-Jean de Neuilly Bronzed AE SP 2
675351 1827 Medal Chamber of Deputies Ag SP 1
706516 1824 Medal Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Bronzed AE SP 1
704430 1830 Medal Collignon-593 Bronzed AE Taking of Algiers SP 1
706358 1827 Medal Coll-546 Ae SP 1
768021 1830 Medal French Revolution The Fallen Bronzed AE SP 1
768022 1830 Medal J. Morin Tribute Bronzed AE SP 1
592040 1828 Jeton Mitchner-4034.25 Mutual Fire Insurance SP 2
622510 1825 Medal Collignon-491 Palace of the Bourse, BN SPBN 2
683926 1825 Medal Collignon-491 Ae Var Uniface Rev, BN SPBN 1
607914 1825 Medal Sombart-92c w/o mark Ag SP 5
673064 "1795" Medal 50th Anniversary Battle of Quiberon Ae SP 1
673134 1825 Medal Bramsen-1877 Coll-485 Bronzed AE SP 2
677081 AH1240 (1825) Medal Visite de Sidi Mahmoud AE SP 1
688698 1826 Medal Coll-510 Yellow AE L'Astrolabe SP 1
706517 1826 Medal Coll-508 Bronzed AE SP 1
730921 1825 Medal Collignon-461 Ag SP 1
768081 1825 Medal Collignon-461 AE SP 2
805097 "1826" Medal St. Etienne Railway Ag Main SP 1
807457 1825 Medal Collignon-461 Au SP 1
808647 "1829" Medal Indre Fire Ag Corne1 SP 1
Charles X, 普 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 总计
总计 MS 53
649713 nd(1824-30) Jeton CdC Lille w/o mark Charles X MS 1
675513 "1830" Jeton Gailhouste-443 Corne MS 3
599819 1830 Medal Royal Glassmaker Ag MS 2
607629 "1829" Jeton Lerouge-225 Abeille MS 3
607667 "1830" Jeton Gailhouste-546 Corne Restrike MS 2
607669 1829 Jeton Gailhouste-405 Abeille MS 1
607748 "1830" Jeton Manufactures St Gobain Ag Corne 2 MS 6
607749 1829 Jeton Gailhouste-871 Lampe MS 1
607806 1826 Jeton Lec-40 Guadeloupe MS 1
607809 1828 Jeton Gailhouste-875 Corne MS 1
607853 1828 Jeton Gailhouste-872 Lampe MS 2
607876 "1829" Jeton Gailhouste-836 Corne Restrike MS 2
607879 "1829" Jeton Gailhouste-827 Corne MS 3
617502 "1830" (1860-79) Jeton Gailhouste-543 Abeille MS 1
636621 (c.1845-60) Jeton Moyaux-105 Silver MS 3
649714 1825 Jeton Huissiers Senlis C/Ancre MS 1
649715 1828 Jeton Soc. Agriculture Loire Main MS 2
649716 1829 Jeton Gailhouste-786 Corne MS 1
649766 "1830" Jeton Jacqmin-96 Main MS 1
649792 1828 Jeton Soc. Agriculture Loire w/o mark MS 1
649856 1826 Jeton IVSTITIA par Tiolier w/o mark MS 1
675512 "1829" Jeton Gailhouste-683 Corne MS 1
675524 "1826" Jeton Clermont-Ferrand Chamber of Commerce Abeille MS 1
683904 1828 Jeton Société d'encouragement Pour l'industrie Nationale MS 1
687618 1826 Jeton Carde-427 MS 1
706403 "1830" Jeton Manufactures St Gobain Ag Main MS 2
734890 "1830" Jeton Manufactures St Gobain Abeille MS 2
808894 "1830" Jeton Manufactures St Gobain Corne MS 5
808897 "1830" Jeton Manufactures St Gobain Ag Corne 1 MS 1