PCGS 数量报告: 100 Euro

100 Euro, MS   |   100 Euro, PR   |   100 Euro, SP

100 Euro, 样 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
总计 SP 2 2
总计 SP 23 23
总计 SP 9 152 161
总计 SPBN 5 5
706633 No Date Medal State Cultural Council Ag SP 1 1
891377 No Date Medal Agricultural Society Ag SP 1 1
682587 1894 Medal Bennert-136 Ag SP 1 1
910449 1894 Medal Bismarck 79th Birthday Tin SP 1 1
938559 1894 Medal Leo von Caprivi Ag SP 1 1
938560 1900 Medal Bernhard von Bulow Ag SP 1 1
816586 1894 Medal Bennert-118 Silvered Cu SP 1 1
960574 1876 Medal Agricultural Exhibition Ag Freiburg SP 1 1
698365 nd(1872) Medal Bennert-18 Ag SP 2 2
682057 1896 Medal Bennert-188 Ag 25 Years of the Reich SP 4 4
653077 1898 Medal Bennert-227 Ag SP 11 11
544991 1898 Medal Bennert-208 AE, BN SPBN 3 3
886919 1898 Medal Bennert-208 Ag SP 1 1
881459 (c.1898) Medal Rifle Department Cu Schorndorfer Women SP 1 1
672346 1898 Medal Bennert-224 Tin SP 1 1
804801 1898 Medal Bennert-224 Ae SP 1 1
657066 1898 Medal Bennert-225 Ag Edge EINE GEDENKMÜNZE SP 8 8
698685 1898 Medal Bennert-225 Ag Edge SILBER 990 SP 1 1
768007 1898 Medal Bennert-225 Ag RE SP 2 2
674155 1896 Medal Bennert-196 Ag SP 1 1
695223 1896 Medal Bennert-200 Tin SP 2 2
687418 1896 Medal Bennert-199 Tin SP 2 2
699331 1896 Medal Bennert-199 Ag SP 2 2
836977 1870 Medal Bennert-4 Bronzed AE Battle of the Dunes-Dunkirk SP 1 1
930937 1896 Medal Bennert-203 Plauen Ag SP 1 1
804204 nd(1896) Medal Bennert-199 Bronzed AE SP 1 1
897576 No Date Medal Bismarck Ag 50mm SP 1 1
682603 1898 Medal Bennert-216 Silver SP 1 3 4
766912 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 1 1
768867 No Date Medal Heilbronn Trade School Ag SP 2 2
768872 No Date Medal Outstanding Flight 835 Ag SP 1 1
803042 (19th C.) Medal Sommer-B14 Ag w/o Loos SP 1 1 2
803043 (19th C.) Medal Sommer-83 Ag SP 1 1
804535 1898 Medal Intn'l Rabbit Exhibition Ag SP 1 1
804551 (c.1850) Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 1 1
804557 No Date Medal Lamb of God, Who Takes Away the Sin of the World Ag SP 1 1
805002 No Date Medal Berlin Dairy Expo Ag SP 1 1
807829 1898 Medal Bennert-212 Bronzed AE SP 1 1
808529 (19th C.) Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 3 3
808875 No Date Medal Outstanding Flight 925 Ag SP 1 1
808881 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 2 2
808890 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal Ag 6 people, cross table SP 1 1
812405 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal Ag Memory of the Sacred Confirmation SP 1 1
836875 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal PE Ag SP 3 3
849410 (19th C.) Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 1 1
849411 (19th C.) Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 3 3
849412 (19th C.) Medal Confirmation Medal Ag SP 1 1
907524 1935 Medal Heilbronn Shooting Festival Ag SP 2 2
907528 1933 Medal Kunzelsau Shooting Fest. Ag SP 1 1
907529 1898 Medal Cronberg Shooting Society 500th Anniversary WM SP 1 1
911835 No Date Medal Confirmation Medal Ag 7 people, large altar SP 1 1
948083 (19th C.) Medal TIL ERINDRING Ag SP 1 1
677945 1898 Medal Bennert-218 Ag SP 1 1
689254 No Date Medal Bennert-70 AE SP 1 1
689244 1891 Medal Bennert-78 Ag SP 1 1
677944 1890 Medal Bennert-79 Ag SP 3 3
803121 1891 Medal Death of Moltke AE SP 1 1
803122 ND (c. 1889) Medal Marienb-1080 AE 30mm, BN SPBN 1 1
860781 1889 Medal French Grammar School 200th Ann. Bronzed SP 1 1
931029 1889 Medal BDM-V.366/VI.426 Golden Jubilee Bronzed AE SP 1 1
731331 1890 Medal Jehne-75 Bronzed AE SP 1 1
672370 1898 Medal Bennert-250 Ag SP 9 9
671129 1898 Medal Bennert-228 Ag SP 2 2
720781 1898 Medal Bennert-229 Ag SP 2 2
800640 1892 Medal Discovery of America Ag 400th Anniversary SP 1 1
808260 1892 Medal Berlin Wine and Food Expo Gilt Ae SP 1 1
808372 No Date Medal Medal of Merit Ag SP 1 1
689257 1898 Medal Bennert-229 AE SP 2 2
804799 1898 Medal Bennert-223 Ae SP 1 1
804800 1890 Medal Bennert-83 Bronzed AE SP 3 3
964973 1890 Medal Cologne 50th Anniv. Agriculture Gilt AE SP 1 1
689258 1898 Medal Bennert-230 Matte Ag SP 1 1
797569 1898 Medal Bennert-232 Bronzed AE SP 3 3
672362 1898 Medal Bennert-251 Ag 35mm SP 2 2
672363 1898 Medal Bennert-251 Ag 39mm SP 1 1
611658 1898 Medal Bennert-509 SP 1 1
622246 1898 Medal Marienburg-7133 SP 3 3
910510 1891 Medal Marienburg-7728 Ag SP 1 1
812906 1898 Medal Marienburg-7138 Ag SP 1 1
617177 1898 Medal Marienburg-7130 Ag SP 9 9
812903 1901 Medal Marienburg-7180 Ag SP 1 1
689281 1894 Medal Bennert-115 AE SP 1 1
657077 1894 Medal Bennert-115 Ag SP 2 2
689280 1894 Medal Bennert-116 Ag SP 1 1
568560 1894 Medal Bennert-117 Ag SP 4 31 35
901055 1897 Medal Dresden Tram 25th Ann. Brass SP 1 1
924607 1899 Medal Dresden "SCHAU" CU, BN SPBN 1 1
627155 1894 Medal Bennert-120 Gilt Bronze SP 1 1