PCGS 数量报告: Betts Medals

Betts Medals, MS   |   Betts Medals, SP

Betts Medals, 普 PCGS Photograde
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 P/AG G VG F VF EF AU MS/PR 总计
总计 MS 2 1 27 48 226 302 606
总计 MS 1 1
总计 MS 1 15 11 27
总计 MSBN 1 7 11 38 258 315
总计 MSBN 2 2
总计 MSRB 14 14
总计 MSPL 1 1
926045 1779 AE Medal Betts-564, Admiral Keppel MS 1 1 2
926066 1779 AE Medal Admiral Keppel Vindicated MS 1 1
926067 (No Date) AE Medal Admiral Keppel Victory MS 1 1
926048 1779 AE Medal Betts-565, Stoney Point Silvered Restrike MS 1 1
935284 (1779) WM Med. Betts-565, Obv Cliche Bronzed Stony Point MS 1 1
926049 1780 AR Medal Betts-571, Armed Neutrality MS 2 2
613475 1780 AR Medal Betts-572, Armed Neutrality MS 2 2 4
926050 1781 AR Medal Betts-573, Armed Neutrality MS 2 2
615219 1781 AR Medal Betts-574, Dutch Fishing Fleet MS 2 2 4
528914 (1779) AE Medal Betts-575, Major Henry Lee MS 2 2
935483 1781 AR Medal Betts-579, Admiral Rodney MS 2 2
935477 1781 WM Med. Betts-580, St. Eustatia Captured MS 2 2
615220 1781 AR Medal Betts-581, St. Eustatia Captured MS 3 3
615221 1781 AR Medal Betts-583, Dutch Victory MS 2 2 4
889660 1781 AR Medal Betts-584, British Resentment MS 1 1
926053 1781 AR Medal Betts-585, Battle of Doggersbank MS 1 1
615222 1781 Medal Betts-587, Battle of Doggersbank MS 1 1
615038 1781 AR Medal Betts-588, Battle of Doggersbank MS 4 2 6
615224 1781 AR Medal Betts-589, Battle of Doggersbank MS 3 3
615225 1781 AR Medal Betts-590, Battle of Doggersbank MS 1 3 4
825288 (1781) Medal Betts-593 Obv Cliche WM Morgan At Cowpens MS 1 1
898143 (1839) AV Medal Betts-593, Morgan at Cowpens MS 1 1
925860 1781 AE Medal Betts-593, Morgan at Cowpens Original Dies, BN MSBN 2 2
961379 (1839) WM Med. Betts-593 Obv Cliche WM Barre Restrike Dies MS 1 1
545229 "1781" AE Medal Betts-593, Barre Restrike MS 4 4
613150 1781 AR Medal Betts-594, William Washington Original Dies MS 1 1 2
659323 (1845-60) AR Medal Betts-594, William Washington Paris Restrike MS 1 1
670452 (1845-60) AE Medal Betts-594, William Washington Paris Restrike, Hand Edge MS 1 6 7
676523 (1880-98) AE Medal Betts-594, William Washington Restrike, Cornucopia MS 3 3
684292 1781 AE Medal Betts-594, William Washington Original Dies, BN MSBN 11 11
804287 (1880-98) AR Medal Betts-594, William Washington Restrike, Cornucopia MS 1 1
886454 (1863-85) AE Medal Betts-594, William Washington Gunmetal Dies, BN MSBN 1 2 3
926065 (1781) AE Medal Washington at Cowpens MS 1 1
528694 1781 AR Medal Betts-595, Battle of Cowpens MS 2 2 4
826409 (1841-42) AR Medal Betts-595, Battle of Cowpens Paris Restrike, Anchor Edge MS 1 1
912718 1881 AE Medal Betts-595, Cowpens Reproduction MS 1 1
933316 1781 AE Medal Betts-595, Battle of Cowpens Gunmetal Dies MS 2 2
518698 1781 AE Medal Betts-595, Battle of Cowpens Original Dies, BN MSBN 20 20
825284 (1781) Medal Betts-597 WM Rev Cliche Nathanael Greene MS 1 1
935311 (1781) AE Medal Betts-597, Nathanael Greene Original Dies MS 1 1
707471 1782 AR Medal Betts-602, American Independence MS 2 6 8
541617 1782 AR Medal Betts-603, Holland Receives Adams MS 2 3 5
912716 1904 AE Medal Betts-603, Holland Receives Adams Replica MS 2 2
810261 1782 AR Medal Betts-604, Holland Treaty MS 5 5
615039 1782 AR Medal Betts-605, Holland Treaty MS 2 3 5
926056 1782 AR Medal Betts-606, Dutch-American Treaty MS 1 2 3
615032 1782 AR Medal Betts-607, Dutch American Freedom MS 2 2 4
596250 1783 AR Medal Betts-608, Peace of Versailles MS 1 2 2 5
800886 1783 AR Medal Betts-610, Treaty of Paris MS 3 1 4
925611 (1783) AE Medal Betts-611, Peace of Versailles, BN MSBN 1 5 6
596794 1783 AR Medal Betts-612, Treaty of Paris MS 3 1 4
541631 1783 WM Med. Felicitas Britannia et America Betts-614 MS 1 1 2
809848 (1783) Medal Libertas Americana Rev Cliche Betts-615 WM "INTANS" MS 1 1
528695 1784 AE Medal Betts-619, Winged Genius, BN MSBN 1 6 7
529210 (1784) AE Medal Betts-619, Franklin Winged Genius Restrike, BN MSBN 5 5
825245 (1784) WM Med. Betts-619, Rev Cliche Franklin Winged Genius MS 1 1 2
825246 (1784) WM Med. Betts-619, Obv Cliche Franklin Winged Genius MS 1 1
935218 1783 AR Medal Betts-618, Benjamin Franklin Lodge of Nine Sisters MS 1 1
935285 (1784) WM Med. Betts-619, Rev Cliche Bronzed Franklin Winged Genius MS 1 1
951059 (ca. 1880-98) AR Medal Betts-619, Franklin Winged Genius Paris Mint Restrike MS 1 1
955728 (1880-98) AE Medal Betts-619, Franklin Winged Genius Restrike, BN MSBN 1 1
926006 1786 AR Medal Betts-620, Franklin Natus Boston Original MS 1 2 3
960889 (1697) AE Medal Betts-84A, Cartagena Taken, BN MSBN 1 1
964823 (1724) AR Medal Betts-151, Mexico City MS 1 1
613790 1697 Medal Betts-85, BN MSBN 2 2
810487 (Ca. 1570) AR Medal Betts-8, 4th Marriage of Philip MS 1 1
619390 1697 Medal Betts-86 Bronze French Victory Medal, BN MSBN 1 1
960890 1697 AE Medal Betts-86B, French Victory, BN MSBN 1 1
613755 1559 Medal Betts-5 Bronze, BN MSBN 1 1
524988 (1779) AE Medal Betts-566, Original Dies De Fleury at Stony Point, BN MSBN 2 2
825361 1779 Medal Betts-566 Obv Cliche WM MS 1 1
825360 (1779) Medal Betts-567 Obv Cliche WM MS 1 1
935305 (1779) AE Medal Betts-567, Original Dies John Stewart at Stony Point MS 1 1
528693 1779 Medal Betts-566 White Metal De Fleury at Stony Point MS 1 1
825287 (1781) Medal Betts-593 Rev Cliche WM Morgan At Cowpens MS 1 1
892433 1766 Medal Betts-515 White Metal William Pitt MS 1 1
890495 (1784) AE Medal Betts-619 AE Matte Restrike Franklin Winged Genius MS 2 2
528406 1741 Medal Betts-306 Brass The Capture of Porto Bello and Carthagena MS 1 1
619395 1739 Medal Betts-307 Bath Metal Admiral Vernon MS 1 1
613780 1763 Medal Betts-445 Bronze, BN MSBN 1 1
613776 1631 Medal Betts-33 Silver Dutch Naval Victory MS 1 1
619481 (1741) Medal Betts-323 Bath Metal Admiral Vernon MS 1 1
619500 (1747) AR Medal Betts-382, Lord Anson's Voyage MS 2 1 3
619512 1755 AR Medal Betts-392, Safety at Sea MS 1 3 4
619513 1757 AR Jeton Betts-394 RE var Bust Franco-American MS 2 1 3
970630 1758 AR Jeton Betts-395 RE var Bust Franco-American MS 1 1
970632 1758 Cu Jeton Betts-395 PE var Bust Franco-American, RB MSRB 1 1
613472 (1747) Medal Betts-382 Copper Lord Anson's Voyage, BN MSBN 3 3
613473 (1747) Medal Betts-382 Copper Lord Anson's Voyage, RB MSRB 2 2
613474 1783 AE Medal Betts-612, Treaty of Versailles, BN MSBN 3 3
827684 (c. 1584) Token Raleigh Plantation Betts-15, Thick Flan MS 1 1 2
613144 (1556) Medal Betts-1 Cast & Chased Ag Philip II-King of the New World MS 1 1
613145 1702 Medal Betts-101 Eimer-394 Ag American Treasure MS 2 1 3
889624 1711 Medal Betts-108 Silver American Aloe Plant MS 1 1
669526 1702 Medal Betts-101 Eimer-394 Tin American Treasure MS 1 1
528408 1739 Medal Betts-197 Brass Porto Bello Taken MS 1 1
613802 (1697) Medal Betts-83 Silver Spanish Treasure & Cartagena Taken MS 1 1
613801 1628 Medal Betts-26 MS 1 1
613800 1629 AR Medal Betts-25 Matanzas Bay MS 1 1 2
636811 1739 Medal Betts-201 Bath Metal Admiral Vernon MS 1 1
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