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1836 2C J-54 PR64+ RB PCGS #11199

Pollock-57, Rarity: Low R.6, CAC Endorsed. Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Plain Edge Provenance/Appearances: From the Bob Simpson Collection Pt 2, Heritage Nov 2020 Auction /Lot 3096, Prior David Akers Oct 1997 The John Jay Pittman Collection: Part 1 / Lot # 770 with Note Prior Purchased by John Pittman for 55$ as Lot 5 from Abe Kosoff’s 1958 ANA Convention sale

1836 $1 J-60, Gobrecht Restrike PR55 PCGS #11227

Rarity: R.1, Pollock P-65: Restrike Struck in Silver with plain edge

1836 $1 J-70 Gilt PR64 PCGS #11275

Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in copper with a plain edge, and gilt Ex: Simpson; Prior appears likely from Paramount Apr 1981 (Sutherland Collection) /Lot #2

(1838) 50C J-77 Restrike PR63RB PCGS #11310

Pollock-85, Rarity: High R.7 Copper with Plain Edge Pedigree/ Priors: Ex: Farouk (Sotheby's, 1954), lot 1726; Cox Collection (Stack's, 4/62), lot 2191; Whitney Sunderland / Julius Turoff (Bowers and Merena, 3/1994), lot 1436; The Collection of William Rau Heritage 3/2018 CSNS / Lot #4482

1850 1C J-119 Org PR63 PCGS #11511

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in billion(10% Silver, 90% Copper) Pollock P-134

1850 1C J-124 PR64+ PCGS #11532

Rarity Low R.7, Pollock 139, Struck in Copper Nickel with Plain Edge Unperforated Center CAC Endorsed: Ex: Lemus Prior appearances: Heritage Aug 2018 ANA WFOM / Lot #3594; Kagin's March 2018 ANA / Lot #1376; Heritage Oct 2012 ANA- Dallas / Lot #5382; Prior from The Lemus Collection, Queller Family Collection Part Two, Heritage Jan 2009 FUN / Lot #1532 (then in an NGC PF64 holder) and Lemus listing states from Stacks June 1980 Auction - United States Foreign and Ancient Gold, Silver & Copper Coins / Lot #86

1850 3C J-125 PR63 PCGS #11536

Rarity: R.4 ( 76-200 Pieces) Struck in Silver w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-147

1851 1C J-127 Original MS64 PCGS #11543

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in Billion (10% Silver 90% Copper) w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-149

1852 $1 J-140 PR64 PCGS #11589

Rarity: Low R7 (7-12 Pieces) , Copper Nickel with Plain Edge : Pollock-167

1853 1C J-151 PR62 PCGS #11628

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in mix Nickel(40%) Copper(60%), Pollock P-178 CAC Endorsed

1854 1C J-159a Electrotype MS64BN PCGS #11654

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge Pollock p-186 Obverse die was made by crudely reducing an 1854 silver dollar with a lathe, causing prominent concentric die lines and blurry design details. The date resembles 1851. The die struck Judd-159 is a formidable rarity (two or three known) but its electrotype copper counterpart Judd-159a is somewhat more available.

1854 1C J-160 PR64BN PCGS #11659

Pollock P-187. Rarity:R.4. Struck in Copper with Plain Edge. per STACKS the Provenance is from the Lux Family Collection, that begun as early as the 1850s

1854 1C J-161 Original PR63BN PCGS #11663

Rarity: R.4 (76-200 Pieces), Struck in Bronse w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-187

1854 1C J-164 Original PR65BN PCGS #11678

Rarity: Low R6 ( 12-30 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-189

1855 1C J-170a PR64 PCGS #62428

Judd-170a, Pollock-196; Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in copper-nickel with a plain edge. Ex: Simpson.

1856 1/2C J-177 PR63 PCGS #11777

Rarity: R.5 ( 31- 75 Pieces), Struck in Copper Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-205 CAC Endorsed

1856 1C Flying Eagle PR63 PCGS #2037

Pollock P-212, Rarity: R.2 (Scarce) Snow-9 (Reverse centered Dot) CAC Endorsed Stuck in Copper Nickel with a plain edge Pollock Reverse style B

1856 1C J-184 PR62 PCGS #11808

Pollock-220, Snow-PT1, Rarity: Low R.7 Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper Nickel with plain edge

1857 25C J-188 PR63BN PCGS #11825

Pollock-225, Low R.7; Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance:Appearances: Ex: Bob Simpson: Heritage Aug 2021 ANA WFOM / Lot #3052; Prior Ex: ; Lemus-Queller / FUN Signature (Heritage, 1/2009) / lot #1550 (as PR64BN NGC), with reference to an earlier Stack's unknown auction, as lot 2031, as PR62 RB PCGS - was located to be Stacks Oct 16th 2003 Anniversary (Estate of Richard Hillman), then prior Ira and Larry Goldberg;s May 2003 / Lot #574 (PCGS 62RB); and Superior Jun 1992 (Jack Adams Collection) / Lot #2374 (as Brilliant PF60BN);

1858 1C J-191 PR64 PCGS #11840

Rarity: R.5 ( (31-75 Pieces), Pollock-233-234, Snow-PT14, with five leaf clusters in the wreath. CAC & Eagle Eye Photo Seal Endorsed Struck in Copper Nickel with Plain Edge

1858 1C J-191 PR64 PCGS #11840

Rarity: R.5 ( (31-75 Pieces), Pollock-233-234, Snow-PT14, with five leaf clusters in the wreath. CAC & Eagle Eye Photo Seal Endorsed Struck in Copper Nickel with Plain Edge

1858 1C J-192 PR64 PCGS #11842

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-70 Pieces) Struck in Copper Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock-235, Snow-PT13, CAC and Photo Seal Endorsement

1858 1C J-202 PR62 PCGS #11867

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 Pieces), Stuck in Copper-Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-245 Eagle Eye Photo Seal Endorsed (since Re-holdered)

1858 1C J-203 PR62 PCGS #11869

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 Pieces) Struck in Copper Nickel with Plain Edger Pollock P-247

1858 1C J-204 PR62 PCGS #11871

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 pieces) Struck in Copper Nickel with Plain Edge Pollock-248 Sold as part of 12-piece sets.

1858 1C J-206 PR64 PCGS #11877

Rarity: R.5, (30 - 75 pieces), Struck in Copper - Nickel w/Plain edge, Pollock P-242, Snow-PT16 .variety i.e a slight hub doubling is evident on the reverse with the close E in ONE rehubbed with an open E.

1858 1C J-208 PR64 PCGS #11885

Rarity: R.1 (more than 1200 Pieces), Struck in Copper Nickel, Pollock P-259 From the G. Edward Reahl, Jr. M.D. Collection, Part II.

1858 1C J-211 PR64 PCGS #11893

Pollock P-262, rarity: R.4, Eagle Eye photo seal endorsed This is the centered date, broad bust point variant P-262. Struck in copper nickel with plain edge

1858 1C J-212 PR62CAM PCGS #811895

Rarity: R.4 (76-200 Pieces exist), Struck in Copper-Nickel, Pollock P-263, Snow PT25 Eagle Eye Photo Endorsed

1858 1C J-213 PR64 PCGS #11897

Rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper-Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-252

1858 25C J-221 PR63 PCGS #11914

Pollock-264, Rarity: High R.7 CAC Endorsed Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge Provenance/Appearances; From The Harry W. Bass, Jr. Core Collection, Part I. Heritage Sept 29, 2022 Long Beach / Lot #11078, Prior Harry Bass Acquired from the ANA Sale (Stack's, 8/1976),/ lot 3589.

1859 1C J-226 PR64 PCGS #11928

Pollock-270, Snow-PT2, High R.6 Ex: Simpson

1859 1C J-228 MS66 PCGS #11932

Pollock P-272. Rarity: R.1. Struck in Copper-Nickel with Plain Edge Transitional Pattern

1859 50C J-235 PR63 PCGS #11960

Rarity: R5 (31-70 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-284 P-284 is the Broken Ribbon Subvarity

1859 50C J-235 PR63 PCGS #11960

Rarity: R5 (31-70 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-284 P-284 is the Broken Ribbon Subvarity

1859 50C J-236 PR65BN PCGS #11962

Pollock P-283 "Perfect Ribbon" Variety Low R.6 (13-20 Pieces)

1859 50C J-237 PR62 PCGS #11966

Rarity: R.4 (76 -200 Pieces) , Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge Pollock P-293

1859 50C J-237 PR62 PCGS #11966

Rarity: R.4 (76 -200 Pieces) , Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge Pollock P-293

1859 50C J-238 PR65BN PCGS #11968

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 Pieces) Pollock P-294 Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge

1859 50C J-239 PR64 PCGS #11972

Rarity: R.4 ( 76-200 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-295 CAC Endorsed

1859 50C J-240 PR65RB PCGS #11975

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 Pieces) Pollock P-296 Struck in Copper with reeded Edge

1859 50C J-241 PR63 PCGS #11978

Rarity: R.4 Pollock-297 Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge

1859 50C J-243 PR63 PCGS #11984

Rarity: High R.7 (4- 6 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-299 Previously in NGC holder (3124039-011): Ex: Massachusetts Historical Society (Stack's, 3/1973), The Lemus Collection, Queller Family Coin was conserved using PCGS Restoration services

1859 50C J-244 PR65RB PCGS #11987

Pollock-300, Rarity High R.7, Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge Plate Coin for Judd Reference Book This piece might be unique as the reverse may have been struck on a hub where there remains an impression from a bust of Washington like that on the nickel patterns of 1866. very interesting piece Full Pedigree: Ex: S.K. Nagy (10/1907), Virgil Brand; Anderson-Dupont Collection, Part II (Stack's, 11/1954), lot 2419; S.E. Goldsmith Collection (Stack's, 10/1958), lot 1450; Morris Evans Collection / Rarities Sale (Bowers and Merena 8/1998), lot 2047; Orlando Sale (Stack's, 1/2007), lot 1019; Los Angeles ANA Auction (Bowers and Merena, 8/2009), lot 4152; Simpson Part III, Heritage January 20, 2021, FUN Auction Lot3082 Also Plate coin for type (J244) in United States Patterns and Trial Pieces by Judd - 10th Edition

1859 50C J-245 PR63 PCGS #11988

Rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces) .Pollock P-303 Struck in silver w/ Reeded Edge ex Ebenezer Milton Saunders Collection Nov 1987

1859 50C J-246 PR63BN PCGS #11990

Pollock P-302, Rarity: High R.7, (4-7 Pieces) This is the RARER Perfect Ribbon variety Struck in copper with a reeded edge Pollock left the number P302 for this variety available but was unable to confirm its existence at the time he was writing his book. Priors: Private sale Via Kagin's crica 1982

1859 50C J-247 PR63 PCGS #11994

Rarity: High R.7 ( 3 - 7 Pieces), Pollock P-286 Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge Ex: E. Horatio Morgan Collection. 2019 & Ebenezer Milton Saunders Collection sale, 1987

1859 50C J-248 PR66+ BN PCGS #11996

Pollock-287, Rarity: High R.7, CAC endorsed: Ex: Simpson. Struck in copper with reeded edge

1859 50C J-249 PR63 PCGS #12000

Rarity: High R.7 ( 3- 7 pieces), Pollock P-288 Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge

1859 50C J-250 PR63BN PCGS #12002

Pollock P-289, Rarity High R.7 (3-7 Pieces Known) Struck In copper with Reeded Edge

1859 50C J-251 PR62 PCGS #12006

Rarity: High R.7 ( 3-7 Pieces), Pollock P-290 Silver with Reeded Edges Ex Abe Kosoff, & Harry W. bass, Jr. August 3, 1971; Also the plate coin for the design type for Andrew W. Pollock III.

1859 50C J-253 PR64 PCGS #12012

Pollock P-292 Rarity: High R.7 ( (3 - 7 Pieces) Struck in Silver with reeded Edge. Very rare and unusual fantasy piece with Paquet's Seated Liberty Seated design w/ Fasces Muled with a James B. Longacre FRENCH HEAD for a Reverse

1859 $20 J-263 PR61BN PCGS #12048

Pollock-312, Rarity:R.8, ( 1 of the 3 known specimens), Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge 297.7 grains per its Bass catalog appearance. Ex: Bass - Simpson: From The Atherton Collection of U.S. Pattern Coins. Heritage May 2023 CSNS / Lot #3379; Priors: Bob Simpson Col, Part II (Heritage, 11/2020), lot 3121. , Pevehouse & Davis Collections (ANR, 10/2004), lot 1057; Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection, Part I (Bowers and Merena, 5/1999), lot 1404; and Mr Bass Purchased from Max Draisner, 8/1973;

1860 50C J-269 Mint Defaced PR65BN PCGS #12068

Pollock-317, Rarity: R.8 -- Mint Defaced -- CAC. Endorsed Ex: Simpson. PRIORS: Ex: Major Lenox R. Lohr; R.E. Cox Collection (Stack's, 4/1962) /Lot #2206 ($200); Harry X Boosel Collection (RARCOA, 4/1972) /Lot #1019; 1973 FUN Sale (RARCOA, 1/1973)/ Lot #554; Mid-Winter ANA (Steve Ivy, 2/1983) /Lot #1786, Kagin's Aug 1983 ANA Lot #3026 (MS63 Bril Unc) /Lot #3026; Stack's (3/1985) /Lot #576; Queller Family Collection / FUN Signature (Heritage, 1/2009) /Lot #1584 (as NGC MS60),

1860 $2.50 J-270 PR64BN PCGS #12072

Pollock-318, High R.7, Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge Provenance:: From The Estate of Charles W. Montgomery, Heritage Nov 2023 Dallas / Lot #3276, Prior - Ex: J.F. McCabe (S.H. and H. Chapman, 6/1905), lot 96; - J.M. Clapp; Clapp Estate (Stack's, privately, 1942); Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr.; - Eliasberg Estate (Bowers and Merena, 5/1996), lot 309; - American Numismatic Rarities (12/2003), lot 320; - Superior (5/2004), lot 2206; - Bowers & Merena Jan 2005 (Rarities Sale) Lot #1412; - Goldberg Auctions (5/2005), lot 702.

1860 $5 J-272 PR63BN PCGS #12078

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck In Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-320 Struck on a $10 Size Planchet

1861 50C J-277 PR63 PCGS #12100

Rarity: Low R.7; Pollock P-328. Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge Struck from dies similar to the reg. minted pieces but on this Pollock Variant the obverse point of the shield is over the left edge of the digit 8 in the date The reverse "GOD OUR TRUST" within a scroll

1861 50C J-278 PR64+ RB PCGS #12103

Pollock-329, Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces) CAC Endorsed, Ex: Simspon Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1861 50C J-278 PR64+ RB PCGS #12103

Pollock-329, Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces) CAC Endorsed, Ex: Simspon Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1861 50C J-279 PR64DCAM PCGS #535173

Pollock-330, Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Silver with reeded Edge Ex Bob Simpson

1861 50C J-280 PR63BN PCGS #12108

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in copper w/ reeded Edges ( Bronzed), Pollock P-331

1861 $10 J-285 PR62BN PCGS #60431

Pollock-340, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Copper with reeded edge

1861 $10 J-285 PR62BN PCGS #60431

Pollock-340, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Copper with reeded edge

1861 $10 J-287 Gilt PR63 PCGS #908546

Pollock-344 Rarity R.7 CAC Endorsed, Ex: Bass Struck in copper and Gilt; High date variety

1862 50C J-295 PR64+ PCGS #60445

Pollock-353, Rarity: R.5, CAC endorsed; Struck in silver with a reeded edge; Ex: Simpson.

1862 50C J-296 PR65BN PCGS #60446

Pollock-354, Rarity: High R.6, (12 - 20 Pieces), Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1862 $10 J-297 PR64BN PCGS #60447

Pollock-355, Rarity: High R.6, Ex Simpson Struck i copper wit reeded edge

1862 $10 J-298 PR65+ BN PCGS #60448

Pollock P-357 (low date sub variety), Rarity: High R.60, CAC endorsed Ex: Simpson. Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge, Bronzed Piece

1863 P2C J-305, Washington PR60BN PCGS #60460

Rarity: R.4 (76-200 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge Pollock P-370 CAC Endorsed

1863 3C J-319 Original PR65RB PCGS #70477

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces) , Struck in Copper w/Plain Edge Pollock P-384 CAC Endorsed

1863 3C J-322 PR62 PCGS #60479

Pollock P-387, High R.7 ( 3- 7 Pieces) Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge Appearances: Legends Mar 2020 RCA #37 / Lot #117; From THE STEVEN COOK COLLECTION, Legend's 7/26/2018 RCA / Lot #520; Heritage Oct 2014 PNG New York Invitational /Lot 4173; Stacks and Bowers Sept 1997 / Lot 1088 ($3300); Superior Galleries 6/1985 The Robert O. Lawson Collection / Lot 260 ($475)

1863 10C J-327 PR64 PCGS #60486

Pollock-397, High R.6, Ex Simpson Struck In Aluminum with plain edge Pedigree/Appearances: From the Bob Simpson Collection Heritage Jan 2021 FUN/ Lot #3099; Prior - Heritage Jan 2007 (FUN) / Lot #1288 (passed) NGC 64 - American Numismatic Rarities 1/3/2006 sale of the Prescott Collection / Lot #884 (NGC64) (Passed) - Heritage May 2005 (CNSN) / Lot #8305 (passed) NGC 64 (Passed)

1863 10C J-331 PR64 PCGS #60491

Pollock-402, Rarity: High R.7 (3- 7 Pieces) CAC Endorsed, Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper Nickel with Reeded Edge

1863 10C J-333 PR65BN PCGS #60495

Pollock-405, Low R.7, Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge Ex: Bob Simpson

1863 25C J-336 PR67RB PCGS #70498

Pollock-408, Rarity: Low R.7, PR67 RB Struck in Copper with reeded Edge Ex: Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection

1863 25C J-336 PR67RB PCGS #70498

Pollock-408, Rarity: Low R.7, PR67 RB Struck in Copper with reeded Edge Ex: Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection

1863 25C J-337 PR65+ PCGS #60499

Pollock-409, High R.7, CAC Endorsed Provenance/Appearances: Great Collections Auction 1/30/2022 , Possible RARCOA Jan 1973 FUN Lot # 563; and Stacks Jan 1987 / Lot #522 (While there were no photos in those 2 auctions the Stacks 1/87 Lot 552 description referred to a row of tiny marks on Liberty which sound similar to this piece as there are several tiny marks across Liberty breast and right arm

1863 50C J-338 PR64 PCGS #60500

Pollock P-410, Rarity R.5, CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Struck In silver with Reeded Edge

1863 50C J-339 PR65BN PCGS #60501

Pollock-411, Rarity Low R.6; CAC Endorsed Struck in copper with a reeded edge

1863 50C J-340 PR64+ DCAM PCGS #535070

Pollock-412, Rarity: Low R.6, CAC endorsed; Stuck in Silver with reeded Edge; Ex: Eliasberg-Simpson.

1863 50C J-341 PR65BN PCGS #60503

Pollock P-413, Rarity: R.5 CAC Endorsed Struck In Copper with reeded Edge

1863 50C J-343 PR66RB PCGS #70505

Pollock-415, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1863 50C J-344 PR64 PCGS #60506

Pollock-416, High R.7, Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge. Appearances: From THE BOYLSTON COLLECTION, PART IV Legends Auction 57 Feb 2023Lot # 289 priors: - Kagin's Aug 1977 (ANA Session 3) / Lot 115 - Kagin's July 1978 Metropolitan Washington Auction / Lot 643 - Kagin's ANA Auction, August 1983, lot 3045; - Kagin's San Diego Sale, May 1987, lot 3185; - Frank O. Fredericks Collection, Part III, Heritage, January 2004, lot 8423; - American Numismatic Rarities' Robert Michael Prescott Collection sale, January 2006, lot 903; - Heritage, April 2017, lot 5092;

1863 $1 J-346 PR64BN PCGS #60508

Rarity: Low R.7, Copper with Reeded Edge Ex: Bob Simpson and Prior East Coast Coast Collection ANR Sept 2003. Judd Plate Coin in 7th and 8th edition

1863 $10 J-352 PR64BN PCGS #60514

Pollock-424, Rarity: High R.6, Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge: Ex: Simpson

1864 2C J-371 PR65 PCGS #60541

Rarity: Low R.6 (20- 30 Pieces), Pollock-440, Ex: Benson Collection & previously from Ira S. Reed -auction of April 27, 1945 as lot 453 for $12.50

1864 10C J-381 PR64RB PCGS #70552

Pollock-449; Rarity: Low R.7; CAC Endorsed Struck in copper with a reeded edge.

1864 25C J-384 PR63 PCGS #60555

Pollock-452, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in silver with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Héritage Jun 2021 / Lot 3756, Ira & Larry Goldberg May 2011 /LOT #1269; Heritage Nov 2003 / Lot #11053; Possible Superior Oct 1973 / Lot #1527

1864 50C J-391 PR64 PCGS #60562

Pollock P-459. Rarity: High R.7 (3-7 Pieces extant) Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge.

1864 50C J-392 PR64+ RB PCGS #70563

Pollock P-460, Rarity: Low R.7 (less than 12 Pieces), Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with reeded Edge

1864 $1 J-397 PR64RB PCGS #70568

Pollock-465, Rarity: R.6, PR64 RB, Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Bob Simpson Collection Heritage Aug 2001 ANA / Lot #3078 and Prior appears to match the H.W. Bass piece Bowers & Merena May 1999 ( Harry W. Bass collection) / Lot # 1245 PCGS 62RB and he had purchased from Brinton T. Schorer, May 3, 1973

1865 3C J-410 PR66 PCGS #60591

Pollock-481, Rarity: Low R.6, CAC Endorsed Struck in nickel with a plain edge Ex: Denali Collection

1865 3C J-411 PR64BN PCGS #60592

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-482

1865 5C J-417 PR64RD PCGS #80599

Pollock-489, Rarity: Low R.7, PR64 Red, CAC Endorsed Stuck in Copper with plain edge Provenance/Appearances: THE SEATTLE COLLECTION Legends Auction #37 Mar 2020 /Lot121; Heritage Sept 2007 Long Beach, / Lot #3014 & also The Superior Sept 1999 Pre-Long Beach Sale / Lot 1384 ($3100) The latter 2 As NGC PF64RD

1865 H10C J-420 PR64BN PCGS #60602

Pollock-492, High R.7, Ex Simpson Struck in Copper with reeded edge

1865 10C J-421 PR64RB PCGS #70604

Pollock-493, rarity: High R.7 (less than 6 Pieces) Struck in Copper with Reeded Edger

1865 50C J-430 PR62BN PCGS #60615

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Pollock-503. CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Reed Edge From E. Horatio Morgan Collection. who acquired the piece in 1995

1865 $1 J-435 PR63BN PCGS #60620

Rarity Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces ), Pollock-508, Struck in Copper with reeded Edge.

1865 $10 J-450 PR64RB PCGS #70637

Pollock-522, Rarity: High R.6 PR64RB Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge

1866 5C J-470 PR64 PCGS #60666

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nicjkel w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-562 Short 5

1866 5C J-473 PR66CAM PCGS #860669

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in nickel with a plain edge. Pollock P-564,

1866 5C J-487 PR63BN PCGS #60683

Pollock P-576, Rarity Low R.7 ( Less than 12 Pieces) , CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Plain Edge

1866 5C J-490 PR63BN PCGS #60686

Pollock-578, Rarity: Low R.7 Stuck in Copper with Plain Edge EX: Great Collections 2022, G.R. Forsythe Collection, Prior: Goldberg Auctions Feb 1981 (Benson Collection Part I) / Lot # 3899

1866 5C J-507 PR64 PCGS #60703

Rarity: R.5 ( 30 -75 Pieces), Struck In Nickel w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-591 CAC Endorsed in OGH

1866 5C J-509 PR66RB PCGS #70705

Pollock-592, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Plain edge

1866 50C J-539 PR62BN PCGS #60737

Rarity: High R7 ( 4-7 Pieces), Struck in copper with reeded edge, regular dies Polock P-604 CAC Endorsed

1866 $3 J-543 PR64 PCGS #60741

P-608, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Nickel with Reeded Edge

1867 5C J-561 PR64 PCGS #60771

Pollock-622; Rarity: R.5 , Struck in Aluminum w/ Plain Edge CAC Endorsed. Pedigree/Appearances: Heritage Jan 2013 FUN / Lot #6694; Stacks and Bowers Aug 2012 ANA /Lot #12089

1867 5C J-563 PR63BN PCGS #60773

Pollock-624, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Copper with Plain Edge Ex Bob SImpson

1867 5C J-570 PR63CAM PCGS #860780

Rarity: High R.7 ( 4-7 Pieces) Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Pollock P-640 Pollock-638 has the 7 in the date distant from the curl; the 7 is close to the curl on this coin, representing the extremely rare Pollock-640. A curly Mint-made lintmark below the leaf tip near the first T in TRUST serves as a pedigree marker.

1867 5C J-571 PR65BN PCGS #60781

Pollock-639, Low R.7 Struck in copper with Plain Edge Ex: Bass - Simpson

1867 5C J-573 MS62BN PCGS #60884

Rarity: Low R.7 (7 -12 Pieces) Pollock P-649, Reverse of 1866 (Pollock sites 2 rev. varieties) Struck In Copper with Plain Edge

1867 5C J-573a PR64BN PCGS #60784

Pollock-647, rarity: High R.7, Ex Simpson Struck in Copper with pain edge

1867 $1 J-593 PR63 PCGS #60805

Pollock-657, Rarity: High R.7, Provenance/Appearances: From The Pacific Rim Collection, Heritage Nov. 2021 Dallas / Lot #3748; Prior Ex: Heritage Aug 2011 Chicago / Lot #7735, Stacks-Bowers Feb 2008 The Rich Uhrich Collection / Lot # 1714; John E. Drew Collection, Bowers and Merena Mar 1996, The Sebring and Garbe Collections / Lot #2061; and in these last 2 Stacks & Bowers confirms this piece also was From Rarcoa's sale of the Harry X Boosel Collection, April 1972, / Lot #1057; Superior's ANA Convention Sale, August 1975, / Lot #1259; Bowers and Ruddy's sale of the Branigan Collection, August 1978, / Lot #1838; and Superior's session of Auction '79, / Lot #1626

1867 $3 J-598 PR61 PCGS #60810

Pollock-662, Rarity: R.8, PR61 Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge Ex: William H. Woodin; Waldo C. Newcomer; King Farouk; Palace Collections of Egypt Sale (Sotheby's, 2/1954), lot 1807; Kreisberg & Schulman Feb 1960 Lot # 2440; Gaston DiBello Collection, Part II (Stack's, 5/1970), lot 480; William R. Sieck Collection (Bowers and Ruddy, 7/1981), lot 329. From The Harry W. Bass, Jr. Core Collection, Part II. I. Heritage Jan 2023 Fun Lot # 9061

1867 $10 J-602 PR64+ RB PCGS #70814

Pollock-667, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge Ex: Garrett / Simpson. Provenance traced to 1883 Ex: Charles P. Britton Collection (Edward Cogan, 1/1883), lot 406

1868 1C J-605 PR63 PCGS #60817

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 20-30 Pieces) Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-670 Variety where 8 touches the curls

1868 1C J-609 PR63BN PCGS #60821

Rarity: High R.7 (3- 7 Pieces) Pollock P-674, Ex: Simpson Struck In copper with Plain Edge

1868 1C J-610 PR65 PCGS #60822

Pollock-675, Snow-PT4b, Rarity: Low R.7 Ex Simpson Struck In Nickel with Plain Edge

1868 3C J-615 PR65 PCGS #60827

Pollock-680, Rarity: R.5 Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1868 3C J-616 PR64RB PCGS #70829

Rarity: High R6 (13-20 Pieces) Copper with Plain Edge

1868 3CN J-618 PR64 PCGS #60834

Rarity: R.4 931-200 Pieces) Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-687 Ex Danali Collection

1868 3C J-621 PR64+ CAM PCGS #800014

Pollock-690, Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck In Aluminum Ex: Simpson ( Not sure if Garrett as noted on PCGS label)

1868 5C J-623 PR64CAM PCGS #411768

Pollock-692; Rarity: R.5, Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1868 5C J-624 PR66CAM PCGS #389884

Pollock-693, Low R.6,. CAC endorsed. Ex: Simpson. Struck in Nickel with plain edge

1868 5C J-628 PR62BN PCGS #60845

Pollock-697, Rarity High R.7, (3-7 Pieces) Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Ex: Dr. Charles L. Ruby Collection I (Superior, 2/1974),

1868 5C J-631 PR64BN PCGS #60848

Pollock-701, Rarity:R.8, (Just 3 Known) Struck in Copper with Plain edge Appearances/Provenance: : Ex: William H. Woodin; Col. E.H.R. Green; J.M. Wade; Washington, D.C. ANA Sale (Stack's, 8/1971), lot 357; H.W. Bass, Jr. Collection, Part I (Bowers and Merena, 5/1999), lot 1045, Wayne Wilcox, Julian Leidmen

1868 5C J-633 PR64 PCGS #60851

Rarity: R.4 ( 76-200 Pieces), Struck In Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-705 CAC Endorsed, "V" w/ Motto

1868 5C J-634 PR67BN PCGS #60852

Pollock-706, High R.7, Struck in copper with a plain edge Ex: Simpson.

1868 10C J-641 PR65CAM PCGS #507107

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7 - 12 Pieces, Struck in Nickel w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-713 CAC endorsed Postage Currency piece believed to have been struck in 1863

1868 10C J-644 PR64 PCGS #60862

Pollock-716, Cassel-18, Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces) 75% Cu, 25% Ni 30.70 grs John Work Garrett Collection (Stack's, 3/1976), Charmont Sale (Steve Ivy, 8/1983), Milton R. Friedberg Collection (C.A.A., 1/1997), and The David Cassel Collection / ANA Signature (Heritage, 8/2015),

1868 10C J-647 PR65 PCGS #60865

Pollock-720, Low R.6 Struck in Nickel with Plain edge

1868 50C J-651 PR63 PCGS #60869

Pollock-724. Rarity: High R.7 (3 - 7 pieces ) Struck in Aluminum with reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: From David Lawrence July 2020; Prior from the E. Horatio Morgan Collection, Stacks and Bowers Aug 2019 ANA /Lot #3353, Priors appear to match David Akers Oct 1997 The John Jay Pittman Collection: Part 1 / Lot # 788 ($2420) - and statement prior Purchased from Stack’s Metropolitan New York Numismatic Auction May 1962, featuring R.E. Cox, Jr. collection of half dollars / Lot 2225, for $160. Previously in the Lenox Lohr Collection

1868 $2.50 J-654 PR64 PCGS #60872

Pollock-727, Low R.7; Struck in Aluminum with reeded Edge: Ex Pittman

1868 $5 J-659 PR63 PCGS #60877

Rarity: Low R7, Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge, Pollock P-723 Interesting international dual domination pattern by Anthony Paquet Provenance/Appearances: ex: Collection of William Rau. Heritage 2018 April 25 - 29 CSNS / Lot #4990. Also appears to be from The Dr. Jon Kardatzke Collection part II June 2000 Ira and Larry Goldberge / Lot 1070 which also had a noted reference as The Madison Collection and from the Empire Coin Company

1868 $10 J-662 PR64BN PCGS #60880

Pollock-735: Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Copper with a reeded edge. Ex: Bob Simpson Collection

1868 $10 J-663 PR64 PCGS #60881

Pollock-736, Rarity: Low R.6, Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge, Provenance/Appearances: From The Pacific Rim Collection, Heritage Nov 2021 / Lot #3482; Prior FROM THE STEVEN COOK COLLECTION, PART 2 Legend’s Jul 2018 / Lot #540; Stacks March 2014 Baltimore / Lot #6139; Heritage Dec 2013 Houston / Lot #3941; Heritage Mar 2002 Internet Auction / Lot #15534; Bowers and Merena March 1993 / Lot #2078 (PF63/65)

1868 $10 J-664 PR64 PCGS #60882

Pollock-739, Rarity: High R.7, PR64 Struck in aluminum with a reeded edge; Provenance; Ex: Garrett-Simpson. noted on Label

1869 5C J-683 PR65 PCGS #60908

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 pieces but Rarely seen), Pollock-762, Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Purchased by Harry Bass, Jr. from Abe Kosoff on August 3, 1971; Bass I (Bowers and Merena, 5/99), lot 1048:

1869 5C J-684 PR64+ PCGS #60909

Pollock P-763, Rarity: R.5, CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1869 10C J-705 PR64BN PCGS #60930

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck In Copper w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-748 CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Collection Tiara / Date Outside of Wreath

1869 10C J-708 PR65 PCGS #60933

Rarity: R.5 ( 31- 75 pieces), Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge, Pollock P-787

1869 25C J-723 PR64BN PCGS #60950

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-804 Liberty w/ Cap, Date Outside of wreath

1869 25C J-727 PR64+ PCGS #60954

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-75 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-808 Ex Simpson Collection

1869 25C J-734 PR62 PCGS #60961

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-815 Headband w/ Star, Date Outside of Wreath

1869 25C J-737 PR65CAM PCGS #511358

Pollock-818, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with reeded edge

1869 50C J-742 PR65CAM PCGS #388971

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 Pieces), Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge Pollock P- 823 Ex: E. Horatio Morgan Collection Acquired 1987

1869 50C J-742a PR62 PCGS #60970

Rarity: R.8 ( Less than 3 pieces), Pollack P-830 Struck In silver with reeded edge. Lacks Designers initial "B" on ribbon

1869 50C J-748 PR64+ PCGS #60977

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-75 Pieces) Struck in Silver with Plain Edge Pollock P-831 CAC Endorse (ex Simpson Collection)

1869 50C J-755 PR65 PCGS #60985

Pollock-838, Rarity: High R.6 CAC. Endorsed, Struck in silver with a plain edge

1869 50C J-760 PR65+ RB PCGS #70991

Pollock-845, Rarity High R.7, Ex: Simpson Struck in copper with Reeded edge Provenance/appearances: Legends Jul 29, 2022 Auction #53 / Lot #349, Ex Bob Simpson, Heritage Aug 2021 ANA/ Lot #3112; and view photos also priors Herbert I. Melnick Nov 1982 (R.K. Hoffman collection) /Lot #61 & Ira and Larry Goldberg’s May 2003 (Dr. Jacob Terner Collection) / Lot# 599 (PCGS 64RB)

1869 $1 J-763 PR65RB PCGS #70994

Pollock-848, High R.7, Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge Ex Bob Simpson, (Heritage, 9/2020), /Lot #10239; Stacks Jan 1994 / Lot#520

1869 $10 J-779 PR65BN PCGS #61011

Pollock-864, High R.7, CAC.Endorsed Ex: Simpson and was the Judd Plate coin in the 10th edition Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1870 3C J-799 PR65RB PCGS #71042

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ reeded Edge, Pollock P-886 CAC Endorsed

1870 5C J-807 PR66 PCGS #61051

Pollock-895, Rarity: Low R.7, Stuck on a Thin Planchet with a plain edge and in the regular copper-nickel alloy, CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson

1870 H10C J-812 PR64BN PCGS #61056

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck In Copper w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-900

1870 H10C J-814 PR64+ CAM PCGS #626660

Pollock-900; Rarity: R.8, CAC Endorsed; Struck in Aluminum with plain edge Provenance:/Appearances: From Heritage Aug 2022 / Lot #5278, Prior Heritage Sept 2020 / Lot #3870 The US site states that there may be only 2 or 3 known pieces including a piece referenced from the Brand collection (journal #14286 and/or 92500:1042). One of these pieces is ex Farouk, Caldwell (B/R 11/73 Rothert sale) specimen. This piece and the Farouk piece may be the only example auctioned in the last 50 years.

1870 H10C J-817 PR64BN PCGS #61061

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7 - 12 Pieces), Pollock P-906, Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge

1870 H10C J-819 PR65CAM PCGS #800058

Pollock-909, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge Ex: Denali Collection

1870 10C J-831 PR63 PCGS #61075

Pollock-921, Rarity: High R.6 (13- 20 Pieces) Struck in Silver with reeded Edge

1870 10C J-836 PR66+ CAM PCGS #800021

Pollock-927, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge. Ex Bob Simpson

1870 10C J-836 PR66+ CAM PCGS #800021

Pollock-927, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge. Ex Bob Simpson

1870 10C J-840 PR65RB PCGS #71084

Pollock-931; Rarity: High R.7 PR65RB Ex: Denali Struck in copper with a plain edge.

1870 10C J-842 PR65CAM PCGS #800024

Pollock-934, Rarity: High R.7, PR65 Cam CAC Endorsed Ex: Denali Struck in Aluminum a Plain edge.

1870 10C J-861 PR66 PCGS #61105

rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge. Polock P-949 CAC Endorsed. Ex: Simpson Collection

1870 10C J-869 PR63BN PCGS #61113

Pollock-965; Rarity: High R.7 Struck in Copper w/ reeded Edge EX: Simpson /Lemus

1870 25C J-876 PR64CAM PCGS #800000

Pollock-973, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Silver with reeded Edge Ex: Simpson / Bass

1870 25C J-882 PR61 PCGS #61126

Rarity: High R.7 (only 4 - 6 pieces believe extant), Pollock P-980. Struck in silver with a reeded edge. A well struck stone-white specimen that has minor die rust on the reverse. The glassy fields provide noticeable contrast with the radiant devices.

1870 25C J-885 PR65RB PCGS #71129

Pollock-983, Rarity: Low R.7 Struck In Copper with reeded Edge

1870 25C J-892 PR64CAM PCGS #800061

Rarity: High R.7 (4-6 Pieces), Struck in Aluminum w/ Plain Edge Pollock P-962 Ex Simpson Collection

1870 25C J-894 PR62 PCGS #61138

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-75 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1001 Tiara / Date within Wreath

1870 25C J-901 PR66+ CAM PCGS #389195

Rarity: High R.6 (13-20Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Plain Edge Pollock P-1016 CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Collection

1870 25C J-905 PR64 PCGS #61149

Pollock-1021; Rarity High R.7 Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge

1870 25C J-907 PR65+ PCGS #61151

Rarity: High R.7 Pollock P-997 CAC Endorsed

1870 25C J-913 PR63 PCGS #61157

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1009 Ex: Harry Bass Collection & ex Waldorf Sale, April 1959. Tiara/ Date Outside Wreath

1870 25C J-914 PR65RB PCGS #71158

Pollock-1010, Low R.7; CAC Endorsed; Ex Denali Collection Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1870 25C J-922 PR65CAM PCGS #800081

Pollock-1027, High R.7, (Estimated 5-7 Pieces extant ) CAC Endorsed Struck in aluminum with a reeded edge.

1870 25C J-924 PR65BN PCGS #61168

Pollock-1029. Rarity: High R.7 Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge:

1870 50C J-929 PR65RB PCGS #71174

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock-1034, CAC Endorsed Ex: Denali Collection.

1870 50C J-931 PR65CAM PCGS #861177

Pollock-1037, High R.7, Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bob Simpson Heritage Nov 2011 Beverly Hills / Lot #4101; Heritage Nov 2003 / Lot #11145, Possibly Bowers & Merena Nov 1997 (Pennsylvania Cabinet) / Lot # 1396

1870 50C J-938 PR65CAM PCGS #800055

Pollock-1045; Rarity: High R.7, CAC endorsed; Struck in aluminum with a plain edge.; Ex: Denali Collection.

1870 50C J-941 PR64RB PCGS #71187

Pollock-1066, Rarity: Low R.7; CAC endorsed Struck in copper with Reeded edge

1870 50C J-948 PR63BN PCGS #61194

Pollock-1076, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in copper with Plain edge

1870 50C J-951 PR63 PCGS #61197

Rarity: R.5 (31-75 pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1094 Tiara/ Date within wreath, Ex H.W. Bass Collection

1870 50C J-956 PR64CAM PCGS #800036

Pollock-1100, High R.7, CAC Endorsed Stuck in Aluminum with plain edge

1870 50C J-957 PR62CAM PCGS #511157

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-70 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1108 Headband & Star/ Date Inside Wreath

1870 50C J-959 PR66RB PCGS #71205

Pollock-1110, Rarity High R.7, CAC Endorsed ( reholdered) Struck in Copper with reeded Edge

1870 50C J-964 PR64CAM PCGS #800075

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 4 -12 Pieces), Pollock P-1060 Struck In Silver with Plain Edge

1870 50C J-981 PR64+ CAM PCGS #800068

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1101, CAC Endorsed Tiara / Date Outside wreath

1870 50C J-992 PR66CAM PCGS #800049

Pollock-1122, Rarity: Low R.7 (Possibly High R.7) , CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge EX Denali Collection

1870 50C J-994 PR66 PCGS #61240

Pollock-1124; High R.7, Struck in aluminum with reeded edge

1870 $1 J-998 PR64RB PCGS #71245

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7-12 Pieces) Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1129 CAC Endorsed

1870 $1 J-1007 PR65CAM PCGS #800097

Pollock-1140; Rarity: Low R.6 CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with plain edge Provenance/ Appearances: The Pacific Rim Collection, (Heritage 11/2021) / Lot #3758; Priors Central States (Heritage, 4/2018), /Lot #4493; Goldberg June 2014 Sale/ Lot #1638; Stacks 6/2012 Baltimore / Lot #4075, and most likely the Heritage Oct 1990 Long Beach / Lot #1060 (as PCGS PF64)

1870 $1 J-1008 PR63 PCGS #61256

Rarity: High R.7, Pollock -1141; Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge Ex: Bob Simpson Heritage Jan 2021 FUN / Lot #3185: Prior Ira & Larry Goldberg June 2000 (Dr. Jon Kardatzke Collection) / Lot #1078,

1870 $1 J-1011 PR64RB PCGS #71259

Pollock-1144, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Double struck reverse

1870 $1 J-1014 PR62+ PCGS #61262

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces),  Struck in silver with a reeded edge. Pollock P-1148

1870 $1 J-1018 PR65 PCGS #61266

Pollock-1153, Rarity: R.8, Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bowers & Ruddy Oct 1977 (Fairfield Collection) / Lot#50; Steve Ivy Jan 1978 ( CW Henderson Sale) / Lot #1059: University Park Sale (Steve Ivy, 3/1981), / lot #1510; Central States (Heritage, 5/2003), / Lot#7108, as PR64 NGC,, Bob Simpson Sale, Heritage Nov 2020 / Lot #3195; Heritage April 2021 Central States / Lot #5222

1870 $1 J-1022 MS62 PCGS #71270

Pollock-1157, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in nickel with a reeded edge Provenance/Appearance: Ex Simpson via The Pacific Rim Collection Heritage Nov 2021/ Lot #3487; Earlier Provenances as Ex: Possibly King Farouk Palace Collection Sale (Sotheby's 2/1954), lot 1839; possibly Gaston DiBello Collection (Stack's, 5/1970), lot 412; possibly Dr. Walter Lee Crouch Collection (Superior Galleries, 6/1977), Lot #517 (No Photos to Confirm PF60); Father Flanagan's Boys Home Sale (Superior Galleries, 5/1990), Lot #3338 ($5500);

1870 $3 J-1029 PR63BN PCGS #61277

Rarity: High R.7 (3 - 7 Pieces), Pollock P-1164 Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge

1871 5C J-1050 PR64 PCGS #61309

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1184 CAC Endorsed

1871 5C J-1051 PR67BN PCGS #61310

Pollock-1185, Low R.6, Struck in Copper with Plain Edge Ex; Simpson

1871 5C J-1054 PR65BN PCGS #61313

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Pollock P-1189 Struck in copper with Plain Edge, CAC Endosed in OGH

1871 5C J-1055 PR65 PCGS #61314

Pollock-1190, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge

1871 H10C J-1060 PR66BN PCGS #61319

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge Pollock P-1195

1871 H10C J-1066 PR66RB PCGS #71325

Pollock-1201, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in copper with reeded edge Appearance: Superior Feb 1999 (Pre Long Beach) Lot #2521

1871 10C J-1075 PR63RD PCGS #81334

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1211

1871 10C J-1077 PR64 PCGS #61336

Pollock-1213, Rarity High R.7, PF64. Piece has been rehab ( now in an NGC PF64) Struck in Silver with a reeded edge Provenance/Apearances: The Collection of William Rau; Heritage April 2018 CSNS Chicago / Lot #5084 (As a NGC65 but since was conserved and regrade as NGC64), - Bowers & Merena May 1999 / Harry W. Bass collection. Lot #1106, with note harry Bass Acquired it - Bryron Johnson - Huges 1/79 Lot #37, Booser & Weaver 2/79, - Prior Major Lohr

1871 10C J-1077 PR64 PCGS #61336

Pollock-1213, Rarity High R.7, PF64. Piece has been rehab ( now in an NGC PF64) Struck in Silver with a reeded edge Provenance/Apearances: The Collection of William Rau; Heritage April 2018 CSNS Chicago / Lot #5084 (As a NGC65 but since was conserved and regrade as NGC64), - Bowers & Merena May 1999 / Harry W. Bass collection. Lot #1106, with note harry Bass Acquired it - Bryron Johnson - Huges 1/79 Lot #37, Booser & Weaver 2/79, - Prior Major Lohr

1871 10C J-1085 PR64BN PCGS #61344

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, pollock P-1221

1871 25C J-1091 PR63BN PCGS #61350

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 4 - 12 Pieces), Pollock P-1227 Struck In copper with Reeded Edge

1871 25C J-1094 PR64RB PCGS #71353

Pollock-1230. Rarity: High R. 7,, CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1871 25C J-1094 PR64RB PCGS #71353

Pollock-1230. Rarity: High R. 7,, CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1871 25C J-1097 PR62BN PCGS #61356

Rarity High R.6 ( 13- 20 Pieces Believed Known), Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge Pollock P-1233

1871 25C J-1099 PR65 PCGS #61358

Rarity: High R.7 ( 4- 6 pieces) Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock-1235, CAC Endorsed

1871 50C J-1106 PR63+ BN PCGS #61365

Pollock-1242, Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7 -12 Pieces) Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1871 50C J-1106 PR63+ BN PCGS #61365

Pollock-1242, Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7 -12 Pieces) Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1871 50C J-1111 PR64CAM PCGS #389091

Pollock P-1247, Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces) Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge

1871 50C J-1115 PR65BN PCGS #61374

Rarity: High R.7 ( 3- 7 Pieces), Pollock P-1251 Struck In copper with Reeded Edge

1871 $1 J-1133 PR64 PCGS #61393

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Silver with reeded edges. Pollock P-1270

1871 $1 J-1133 PR64 PCGS #61393

Rarity: High R.6 ( 13-20 Pieces), Struck in Silver with reeded edges. Pollock P-1270

1871 $1 J-1135 PR65BN PCGS #61395

Pollock-1272. Rarity: Low R.7; Struck in Cooper w/ Reeded Edge Provenance/Appearance: Stacks & Bowers Apr 2022 /Lot # 3199 ; Prior: Pacific Rim Collection, Heritage's Nov 2021 / Lot #3765; Goldberg Auctions June 2018 Pre-Long Beach / Lot #1840 (AS NGC 64RB)

1871 $1 J-1142 PR64BN PCGS #61404

Pollock-1284, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in copper with a plain edge; Provenance/Appearances: EX BASS: From The Pacific Rim Collection, Heritage Nov. 2021 Dallas / Lot #3766; Prior Central States Signature (Heritage, 4/2018), /lot #4495, and from Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection (Bowers and Merena, 5/1999), / lot #1261; with prior notation of Ex: Brinton T. Schorer (5/3/1973)

1871 $1 J-1145 PR63+ DCAM PCGS #506467

Pollock-1287, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed, Ex: Judd-Simpson Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge

1871 G$1 J-1161 PR65BN PCGS #61423

Rarity: High R.7 / 8 ( Possibly only 3 examples), Pollock P-1303. Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge.

1871 $2.50 J-1164 PR65RB PCGS #71426

Rarity: High R.7 ( 3-7 Pieces Beleived Extant), Pollock P-1306, CAC Endorsed Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge This is another scarce regular die Gold coin struck in copper Ex The Lemus Collection, Queller Family Collection then sold as NGC PF66CAM T. Henry Allen sale by Stack's in February 1977

1872 5C J-1189 PR64BN PCGS #61460

Pollock-1329, Rarity: R.8, (one of just two known), Struck in Copper with Plain Edge. Appearances: Sale of the 70's (Kagin's, 11/1973), lot 355; A.N.A. Auction, Volume III (Kagin's, 8/1977), lot 2143; Piedmont Sale (Superior, 1/1996), lot 1199, Wayne Wilcox, Julian Leidman.

1872 25C J-1198 PR64+ BN PCGS #61469

Pollock-1338, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1872 T$1 J-1214 PR63 PCGS #61485

Pollock P-1355, Rarity: High R.7, Ex: Eliasberg-Simpson Struck in silver with reeded edge

1872 $1 J-1219 PR62 PCGS #61490

Pollock-1360, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Silver with Reeded Edge

1872 $3 J-1238 PR64RB PCGS #71510

Pollock-1380, Rarity: High R.7, CAC ENDORSED , Struck in copper with a reeded edge From Legends Dec 2022 Auction 56 Lot #379, Priors: New England Rare Coin Auctions' Aug 1979 ANA, Lot #1331; Jascha Heifetz Collection Sale, Superior, October 1989, Lot #3366

1872 $5 J-1241 PR63BN PCGS #61513

Pollock-1383, rarity: Low R.7, Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bob Simpson Heritage Aug 2021 ANA WFOM Auction / Lot #3175; Prior - American Numismatic Rarities Jan 2006 ,The Robert Michael Prescott Collection / Lot 928 (as PR63 BN NGC; - Believe also to be the Superior Feb 2000 Pre-Long Beach Sale of United States Coinage /Lot #882 (NGC 63 BN Again) ($3450) - Bowers & Merena Mar 1999 (Voigt & Dr. Wallace Lee Collections) / Lot #58 (NGC 63BN Pass), - Akers Oct 1997 (John Jay Pittman Collection: Part 1)/ Lot 802; JPP Purchased for $205 from Empire Coin Co. on 8/9/61. Ex. Lenox Lohr Collection, Prior King Farouk

1872 $5 J-1241 PR63BN PCGS #61513

Pollock-1383, rarity: Low R.7, Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bob Simpson Heritage Aug 2021 ANA WFOM Auction / Lot #3175; Prior - American Numismatic Rarities Jan 2006 ,The Robert Michael Prescott Collection / Lot 928 (as PR63 BN NGC; - Believe also to be the Superior Feb 2000 Pre-Long Beach Sale of United States Coinage /Lot #882 (NGC 63 BN Again) ($3450) - Bowers & Merena Mar 1999 (Voigt & Dr. Wallace Lee Collections) / Lot #58 (NGC 63BN Pass), - Akers Oct 1997 (John Jay Pittman Collection: Part 1)/ Lot 802; JPP Purchased for $205 from Empire Coin Co. on 8/9/61. Ex. Lenox Lohr Collection, Prior King Farouk

1872 $5 J-1243 PR64BN PCGS #61515

Rarity: High R.7 (3 to 7 Pieces), Pollock P-1385 CAC Endorsed Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1873 5C J-1264 PR62RB PCGS #71549

Pollock-1406, Rarity: High R.7, Struck in Copper with plain Edge, Only 2 pieces have been traced/Confirmed per USPatterncom

1873 25C J-1270 PR66RB PCGS #71555

Pollock-1412, High R.7, Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bob R. Simpson Collection, Part I (Heritage, 9/2020), lot 10295. Prior Paramount Oct 1986 / Lot 400 ($1210), Bowers & Ruddy Sept 1975 Winthrop Sale/ Lot #60 ($410)

1873 $1 J-1274 PR64+ BN PCGS #61559

Pollock-1416, High R.7, Struck in copper with reeded edge: Ex; Simpson

1873 T$1 J-1276 PR64 PCGS #61561

Rarity: R.5 ( 31-75 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1418

1873 T$1 J-1281 PR62 PCGS #61566

Rarity R.4, (31-200 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Reeded Redge, Pollock P-1423

1873 T$1 J-1310 PR62 PCGS #61596

Rarity: R4 ( 76- 200 Pieces), struck in silver with a reeded edge. Pollock P-1453 William Barber Trade dollar pattern J-1310 was part of Trade Pattern sets sold by the mint for $30.

1873 T$1 J-1315 PR63CAM PCGS #388540

Rarity: R.4 (76-200 Pieces), Struck in sikver with reeded edges. Pollock P-1458

1873 $5 J-1340 PR63BN PCGS #61628

Pollock-1484; Rarity: R.8, Ex: Simpson. Also the Plate coin for the Judd reference and for the web site Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: From Heritage Aug 2022 / Lot # 5289, Prior: - Ex: Tree Many Feathers Collection (Bowers and Merena, 11/2001), lot 182; - Important Selections from The Bob R. Simpson Collection, Part IV / Dallas Signature (Heritage, 2/2021), lot 3278; - Dallas Signature (Heritage, 6/2021), lot 3251.

1874 5C J-1351 PR61 PCGS #61655

Pollock-1495; Rarity: R.8, Only 2 Known Struck in aluminum with a plain edge

1875 20C J-1393 PR63RB PCGS #71700

Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1536, CAC Endorsed, Ex: Denali Collection.

1875 20C J-1399 PR64CAM PCGS #511275

Rarity: R.Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Silver w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1542.

1875 20C J-1404 PR64BN PCGS #61711

Rarity: High R.6 ( 12- 20 Pieces), Pollock P-1547 Struck in Copper with Plain Edge

1875 20C J-1407 PR63CAM PCGS #81714

Pollock-1550, Rarity: Low R.6, , Struck in silver with a plain edge.

1875 20C J-1407 PR63CAM PCGS #81714

Pollock-1550, Rarity: Low R.6, , Struck in silver with a plain edge.

1875 20C J-1412 PR65BN PCGS #61719

Pollock P-1555, Rarity High R.6 (12-20 Pieces) Struck In Copper with Plain Edge

1875 20C J-1413 PR63 PCGS #61720

Pollock-1556, Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck In Aluminum with Plain Edge Ex: Denali Collection

1875 $10 J-1444 PR63RB PCGS #71752

Pollock-1588, Rarity: Low R.7 Struck in Copper with reeded edge

1876 25C J-1455 PR64BN PCGS #61775

Rarity: R.8 : CAC Endorsed US Pattern Indicate only 2 known examples - this one and the one sold in the Simpson Collection Provenance: Heritage Aug 2021 ANA / Lot #4403, Ex: Lester Merkin Sale (9/1967), lot 535; The June Sale (Stack's, 6/1986), lot 513.

1877 50C J-1517 PR62BN PCGS #61855

Pollock-1681, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed. Struck in copper with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Heritage April 2021 Central States / Lot #4902; Bowers and Ruddy 5/19/1973 The Terrell Collection / Lot #996; From the Farouk Palace collection King Farouk-Sothebys Feb 1954

1877 50C J-1524 PR63 PCGS #61864

P-1690; Rarity: Low R.7; Struck in Silver with reefed Edge. Provenance/Appearances: Steve Ivy 12/1980 (The Thomas Moore Sale) / Lot #1853; Robert L. Hughes 7/1980 (The Great 80 Sale) / Lot #104, Stacks 11/2009 (74th Anniversary Sale) / Lot 1745

1877 50C J-1535 PR62 PCGS #61876

Pollock-1703, Rarity: R.8 Struck in silver with reeded edge Only three examples known. Provenance: Ex Simpson, prior Miguel Munoz Collection, Part III (Superior Galleries, 6/1981), lot 4; Auction '82 (Superior Galleries, 8/1982), lot 1500, & Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection (Bowers and Merena, 5/1999), lot 1236 Plate Coin in Pollock Reference (Fig 461)

1877 50C J-1539a PR62 PCGS #61881

Rarity: R.8 ( Less than 3 pieces Known), Pollock P-1707, Struck in Silver with reeded edge Pedigree: Ex: Palace Collections of Egypt (Sotheby's, 2/1954), 194th Auction (Bolender, 9/1958), R.E. Cox, Jr. Collection (Stack's, 4/1962); Branigan Collection (Bowers and Ruddy, 8/1978); Morris Evans Collection (Bowers and Merena, 8/1998),

1878 $1 J-1550 PR62 PCGS #61910

Rarity: Low. R.7 (however USPatterns Web site views fewer than 1/2 dozen extant) (7-12 Pieces) Pollock P-1727, Struck in silver with Reeded Edge

1878 $1 J-1554b PR65RB PCGS #12236

Pollock-1746; Rarity: High R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in copper with reeded edge Pollock’s reference guide plate coin Fig 481

1878 $1 J-1557 PR60 PCGS #61919

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in Goloid, Pollack P-1749 CAC Endorsed

1878 $1 J-1557 PR60 PCGS #61919

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 Pieces), Struck in Goloid, Pollack P-1749 CAC Endorsed

1878 $1 J-1559 PR66RB PCGS #71921

Pollock-1751, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in copper with reeded edge Ex: Ex Eric P. Newman, Heritage Apr 2013 / Lot #4014 As NGC66 RB with CAC Endorsemen

1878 $1 J-1562 PR67RB PCGS #71924

Pollock-1753, Rarity: High R.6 Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1878 $1 J-1563 PR63 PCGS #61925

Rarity: Low R6 ( 21-30), Pollock P-1563

1878 $5 J-1576 Gilt PR63 PCGS #537323

Rarity: Low R.7, Pollock-1769 Mostly likely only 3 may have been gilted Struck in copper & Gilt with a reeded edge. Ex Simpson. Prior ANR Aug 2006 (The Old West and Franklinton Collections) / Lot #945 (as NGC62); and Stacks Jan 2000 Lot# 2019 (NGC62)

1878 $5 J-1578 PR64RB PCGS #71942

Pollock-1771, Low R.7, Struck in copper with a reeded edge Ex: Simpson. prior maybe from the Bowers and Ruddy, Philip J. More Collection Auction April 1978 / Lot 2916

1879 10C J-1585 PR65BN PCGS #61962

Pollock-1778. Rarity: High R.6. , Struck in copper with reeded edge Provenance/Appearances: From Stacks and Bowers August 2021 ANA Auction / Lot 6295; Prior -Superior May 2003 Pre-Long Beach Elite Coin Auction /Lot #3450, -Superior Galleries Sept 1993, Worrell Collection /Lot# 608; -Superior Galleries May 1990 Father Flanagan’s Boy Town Auction /Lot # 3305 (Not sold); -Superior Galleries Oct 1990 /Lot #1858 (not sold) -Superior Galleries, Oct 1989 /Lot #3219 The Jascha Heifetz Collection Sale

1879 10C J-1587 PR65RB PCGS #71964

Pollock-1780, Rarity: High R.6 (12- 20 Pieces) Ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1879 $1 J-1605 PR63 PCGS #61983

Pollock-1807, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Struck in Silver with reeded edge

1879 $1 J-1614 PR64BN PCGS #61992

Pollock P-1810, Rarity: Low R.7 (7-12 Pieces) Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1879 $1 J-1617 PR62 PCGS #61995

Rarity: R.4 (76-200 Pieces) Struck in Goloid with Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1813

1879 $1 J-1618 PR65 PCGS #61996

Pollock-1813, Rarity: R.5, PR65, CAC Endorsed Ex: Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection.

1879 $1 J-1620 PR65 PCGS #61998

Pollock-1815, Rarity: R.8, Struck in aluminum with a reeded edge. Provenance/Appearances: Ex: Bob Simpson , (Heritage, 9/2020), Lot #10328; prior Spink/Smythe Magnolia Collection, May 2011 / Lot #27 ( Sold for $60,475)

1879 $1 J-1623 PR63BN PCGS #62001

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7-12 pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1819

1879 $1 J-1623 PR63BN PCGS #62001

Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7-12 pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1819

1879 $1 J-1626 PR62 PCGS #62004

Rarity: R.6 (76-200 Pieces), Struck in Goloid w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1822

1879 $1 J-1628 PR67+ RB PCGS #72006

Pollock P-1824, Rarity: Low R.7, ex: Simpson Struck in Copper with Reeded Edge

1879 $1 J-1631 PR65 PCGS #62009

Pollock-1828, Rarity: Low R.7 ( 7-12 pieces). Ex: Simpson Belived struck in Goloid with Reeded Edge

1879 $1 J-1632 PR64BN PCGS #62010

Pollock-1828, rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed, Ex; Simpson Struck in Copper with reeded edge

1880 $1 J-1646 PR66RB PCGS #72031

Pollock P-1846, Rarity; Low R.7 Struck in Copper

1880 $1 J-1649 PR65RB PCGS #72034

Pollock P -1849, Rarity: Low R.7, ( Less than 12 Pieces), Ex Simpson Struck In Copper with Reeded Edge

1880 $1 J-1650 PR65CAM PCGS #534949

Pollock-1850. Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Aluminum with Reeded Edge pedigree/Appearances: The Collection of William Rau. Heritage April 2018 CSNS - Chicago / Lot #4514 , Priors; Heritage Jul 1997 (ANA) / Lot #7347; Bowers & Merena Aug 2000 ( ANA) /Lot #4087

1880 $1 J-1651 PR66 PCGS #62036

Pollock-1851, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed Struck in Silver or Goloid with Reeded Edge Provenance/ Appearances: - The Cape Coral Collection; Heritage Jan 2024 / Lot #4218: - RARCOA/David Akers (8/1991), lot 823; - Superior (10/1990), lot 1904;

1880 $1 J-1652 PR63BN PCGS #62037

Rarity: High R.6 (12-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Reeded Edge, Pollock P-1852 CAC Endorsed

1880 $1 J-1654 PR66 PCGS #62039

Pollock-1854 Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in silver with a reeded edge. Ex: Lemus

1881 1C J-1665 PR64 PCGS #62061

Pollock-1865, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Struck in Nickel with a Plain Edge

1881 1C J-1665 PR64 PCGS #62061

Pollock-1865, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed Ex: Simpson Struck in Nickel with a Plain Edge

1881 1C J-1666 PR62BN PCGS #62062

Rarity: High R6 (12-20 Pieces) Struck in Copper w/ Plain Edge. Pollock P-1866

1881 3C J-1668 PR64 PCGS #62064

Rarity: High R6 (13- 20 Pieces) Struck in Nickel with a plain Edge, Pollack P-1869 This example with was in an NGC PF64 holder for the Lemus sale. The "water" type shading in the left obverse field is an excellent diagnostic

1881 3C J-1669 PR64BN PCGS #62065

Rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces), Struck in Copper w/ Plain edge, Pollock P-1870

1881 5C J-1673 PR65 PCGS #62069

Pollock-1874, Rarity: Low R7 Struck In Aluminum with Plain Edge

1882 5C J-1680 PR64CAM PCGS #414437

Rarity: low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1882

1882 5C J-1682 PR64 PCGS #62087

Pollock-1885; Rarity: High R.7; Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge Only 4 traced to date

1882 5C J-1685 PR63BN PCGS #62090

Pollock-1887, Rarity High R.7 / R8, Struck In Copper with Plain Edge Only Two Confirmed

1882 5C J-1690 PR64CAM PCGS #388539

Pollock P-1892. Rarity: R.5. Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge Transitional Pattern

1882 5C J-1691 PR63RB PCGS #72096

Rarity: Low R.6 (21-30 pieces), Struck in Copper w/Plain Edge, Pollock P-1893 Possible Ex: John L Harris Collection (Stack 1950) & Exempler Collection (2016)

1882 5C J-1693 PR64 PCGS #62098

Pollock-1895, Rarity: Low R.7, Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1882 5C J-1694 PR66RB PCGS #72099

Pollock-1896, Low R.7 Struck In copper with Reeded Edges EX :Major Lenox R. Lohr Collection, Empire Coin Co., 1961, George N. Polis M.D. Collection (Bowers & Merena, 6/1991), lot 1105

1882 5C J-1695 PR65 PCGS #62101

Pollock-1897, Rarity: Low R.7, CAC Endorsed Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge Provenance/Appearances: EX Bass Vis Harry X. Boosel "1873" Collection, RARCOA, April 1972, / Lot #1179; - Harry W. Bass, Jr. Collection; Bowers & Merena's Part I, May 1999/ Lot #1061; - Bowers & Merena Mar 2000 (Lindesmith Collection)/ Lot # 2015; - Superior Feb 2001 ( Pre Long Beach) / Lot #5117; - ANR's July 2003 Classics Sale,/ Lot #1013; - ANR's Frog Run Farm Collection Sale, Nov 2004, / Lot #16; - Richard C. Jewell Collection, Stacks and Bowers Aug 2011 Chicago ANA / Lot # 7533 (passed) - Regency Auction XIV, October 2015, /Lot #354.

1883 5C J-1712 PR66CAM PCGS #82129

Pollock-1916, Low R.6 Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1883 5C J-1717 PR66CAM PCGS #389221

Pollock-1922, Rarity: High R.6, CAC Endorsed, Ex Simpson Struck in Nickel with Plain Edge

1883 5C J-1720 PR63 PCGS #62137

Pollock-1927, Rarity: High R.7, Struck In Aluminum with Plain Edge

1884 5C J-1724 PR66 PCGS #62154

Rarity: Low R.6 ( 21-30 Pieces), Struck in Nickel w/ Plain Edge, Pollock P-1934

1885 1C J-1740 PR65 PCGS #62181

Pollock-1950, Rarity: High R.6, Ex Simpson Struck in Silver with Plain Edge

1885 5C J-1742 PR64 PCGS #62184

Pollock-1954, Rarity: High R.6 (13-20 Pieces) Ex Simpson Struck in Silver with Plain Edge The reverse has an intermittent circular impression made at the mint from a miscalibrated attempt in creating the central perforation

1885 50C J-1746 PR64+ CAM PCGS #534955

Pollock-1958, Rarity: R.8, PR64+ Cameo Ex: Simpson. with only Two Known, One in Private Hands (this piece ) Also Plate coin for Judd reference book and the web site Struck in aluminum with a reeded edge Provenance/Appearances: From Heritage Aug 2022 / Lot #5291 Priors: - Ex: Peter Gschwend (Thomas Elder, 6/1908), lot Z in the second addendum; - Virgil Brand (Journal #44170); Armin Brand; & unknown intermediaries, - Harry X Boosel Collection (RARCOA, 4/1972), lot 1190; - FUN Sale (RARCOA, 1/1973), lot 688; - Public Auction Sale (Stack's, 1/1987) lot 535; - Superior Galleries, 10/1990 / Lot #1887; - Robert W. Miller, Sr. Collection (Bowers and Merena, 11/1992), lot 1085; - Rarities Sale (Bowers and Merena, 1/1997), lot 466; - William H. LaBelle, Sr. Collection (American Numismatic Rarities, 7/2005), lot 68; - Important Selections from The Bob R. Simpson Collection, Part III / FUN Signature (Heritage, 1/2021), lot 3273; - Dallas Signature (Heritage, 6/2021), lot 3256.

1885 $2.50 J-1752 PR65+ CAM PCGS #517966

Pollock-1965, Rarity: R.8, Struck In Aluminum with Reeded Edge Per US only 2 examples are believed to exist. Provenance/Appearances: From Heritage Oct 2022 Long Beach / Lot #3417 , Prior From the Linnemann Family Collection Stacks June 2013 Lot # 2346

1896 1C J-1769 PR62 PCGS #62223

Pollock P-1985 Rarity: High R.6 (12 - 20 Pieces) Struck in Aluminum with Plain Edge

1896 5C J-1772 PR63 PCGS #62226

Rarity: High R.6 (12-20 Pieces) Pollock P-1989, Struck in Aluminum with Plain edge. CAC Endorsed