This marvelous SUPERB GEM is tied with just one other coin, the famed Mills-Clapp-Eliasberg coin, as FINEST graded at NGC, and there is just a single coin graded this high at PCGS. Truly a MAGNIFICENT coin, this 88-O offers an impressive, swirling cartwheel luster that rolls brilliantly across both sides. Sharply struck up, the details are wonderfully rendered for a New Orleans mint Morgan, with just a touch of weakness just above Liberty's ear. a blush of rainbow iridescent toning crosses the obverse from about 9:00 to 2:00. Pale blue and peach-russet mingle with gold giving this coin a great, bag fresh look. Pale toning is dusted across the reverse, again attesting to the wonderful originality and adding much to the absolute SUPERB eye appeal. Nary a mark can be found anywhere, even with the aid of a very strong glass. A real prize for any Morgan dollar collector, while otherwise available, the 88-O is truly a MAJOR rarity so fine! We challenge you find another anywhere close to the eye appeal and grade of this important Morgan dollar. PCGS 1, NGC 2. Only the Eliasberg coin has ever sold in auction, appearing multiple times since it first sold raw in 1997, most recently bringing $10,575 in April 2014. Since NO others have ever appeared in auction, we can state that this SUPERB coin is the FINEST currently available, and will see very strong bidding from anyone working on a world class Morgan dollar Registry Set. Good luck! Cert. Number 3754123-020 PCGS # 7184.00