1826-Do RL 8 R Do03 MS (PCGS#166762)
May 2022 Hong Kong World Coins Auction
- 拍卖行
- Stack's Bowers
- 批号
- 56151
- 等级
- AU58
- 价格
- 8,558
- 详细说明
- MEXICO. 8 Reales, 1826-Do RL. Durango Mint. PCGS AU-58.
KM-377.4; DP-Do03. This very early product of Durango displays an elite strike for the type and delicate evidence of handling. Far more attractive than is normally encountered for this date, with just one example surpassing this one certified by PCGS.
Estimate: $500 - $750.
Provenance: Ex: Sonoran Sunset Collection.
Click here for certification details from PCGS. Image with the PCGS TrueView logo is obtained from and is subject to a license agreement with Collectors Universe, Inc. and its divisions PCGS and PSA.
1826-Do RL年墨西哥鷹洋壹圓銀幣。杜蘭戈鑄幣廠。
杜蘭戈鑄幣廠早期鑄造,壓鑄卓越,經手痕跡極微。此日期品相上乘的一枚,PCGS 評鑒中僅一枚更高分。