Every Peacock in the world wants this MONSTER TONER during mating season. We have never seen any 1884 as vividly toned!
Amazing and heart pounding electric and totally original colors of emerald/violet/amber/gold streak across the obverse. We rank the colors a remarkable 10+ on our 1-10 color scale (10 is the best). THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL TONER! If we were building the great Northern Lights Collection again, we would not hesitate to include this coin. NEVER saw anything even remotely similar! Worthy of inclusion in the absolute finest toner set.
Even as a NON toner, this date in MS67+ is rare! PCGS has graded 20 in MS67+. The last PCGS MS67+ NON toner to sell via auction brought $7,800 in 2019. CAC has beaned a total of 25 in MS67 and MS67+.
We expect this coin to bring a record price. Be prepared!
Cert. Number 25230866
PCGS # 7150