PCGS 价格指南: American Plantation Tokens

Pre-1776 Private and Regional Issues, 普 PCGS Photograde
American Plantation Tokens, 普
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20
PCGS 编 号 描述 称号 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 20
49 (1688) American Plantations Original MS - - - 1,815 2,541 3,267 3,993 4,719 5,445 6,171
53 (1688) American Plantations, Original ET. HB. REX MS - - - - - - - 5,082 5,627 7,260
50 (1688) American Plantations Sidewise 4 MS - - - - - - - 10,164 12,342 21,780
51 (1688) American Plantations Arms Transposed
8 to 12 known
MS - - - - - 29,040 - 47,190 - 79,860
52 (1688) American Plantations Restrike MS - - - - - 1,089 1,271 1,815 2,069 2,904